Saturday, May 18, 2019

Lord, they refuse to see who you really are. You wiped out entire nations. You destroyed the Moabites and the Ammonites - to protect your people, that you love. You loved the Ammonites too and gave them ample time to repent, hundreds of years to turn from their wicked ways, from Idol/Baal worship but they would not. You were long suffering. I think the false prophets believe You are two different Gods, one in the Old Testament and another in the New, like you were born-again and became a different God in the New Testament but You're the same yesterday, today and forever.
The Old Testament shows us our true condition apart from You - without Your blood. It shows us the consequences of rejecting You and living for ourselves, making ourselves the god we choose to worship.
The New Testament shows us how to turn from our wickedness, how to embrace you and live with you and serve you in a manner pleasing to You. It reveals Your mercy and love extended to all mankind but it doesn't negate who You are in the Old Testament. You will still burn up the wicked as chaff. You are still to be feared. Though You've redeemed us to yourself - You still have the power to cast us into Hell. I fear and tremble before You and I grieve for all the false prophets and pastors preaching a perverted form of your love, some saying there is no Hell, or just preaching Your love and not your wrath. You are lamb and lion. 

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...