Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Thoughts on Judgment continued

America is not a Christian nation. We export and consume more porn than any other nation on earth. We've more homosexuals than any nation on earth and we love them, we support and encourage them and allow them to marry. Our churches are full of them. We've murdered, legally, with our nation's blessing, more children than all other nations combined except maybe China. We are not a Christian nation according to God's definition of Christianity but thank God we have Christians in our nation, who, because of the cry of their hearts and the prayers on their lips caused God to pause in His judgment of America. Obama was a blessing in disguise for because of his wickedness, many, many began to cry out to God for righteousness - yet, as usual, once we are comfortable again, we turn our backs on God. We continue to fill our religious, denominational "jails" with bound and blind souls, flightless birds unable to soar in the Spirit. Without real Apostolic breakthrough, our nation's descent into madness and wickedness will continue. The only safe place from God's wrath is to hide in the cleft of the Rock - Jesus himself. Those found in Him will escape the wrath to come, for they - "loved not their lives unto the death".
Jesus is our safe harbor. He is our Ark, both Noah's and the Ark of the Covenant. Noah's Ark says to us, I will preserve your souls blameless till the wrath is past - and you shall inhabit the new heaven and the new earth prepared by my Father for those who love Him. Only remain in me and do not flee. The Ark of the Covenant says - I will keep My promise to never leave or forsake you. I will dwell among you and I will be your God and you will be My people. I will hide my face from you no longer. Your heart will be my Holy of holies where we will meet together forevermore. He is our "rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler (shield), and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower"!
Remember, his vengeance is poured out to comfort those who mourn the wickedness of the world they are in but not of. As the world laughs us to scorn, as they mock us and rejoice over our deaths - He who sits in the heavens shall laugh and hold them in derision. We must "put on Christ" and put off the religious Christianity we wear as a fig leaf to cover our shame and nakedness, where the Pastor is exalted but not God. We must forsake man's traditions and doctrines. We must identify and forsake all "doctrines of devils" taught in churches as the doctrines of Christ. We must fall in love again with our first love, whom we've cheated on, with lies from "the father of lies" - Our first love is Truth and we must all become "lovers of Truth". We must remain faithful to the end. Amen. 

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...