Friday, May 10, 2019

Thoughts on Judgment continued...

They chose Babylon over the New Jerusalem. They chose  to exalt and glorify self, to spend their short lives on themselves, to consume and not give, as a daily regimen. God is sending watchmen urging them to heed the words of His prophets "but they said we will not hearken". In America - God in His mercy sends judgment - a 911, a hurricane Katrina (Katrina means chaste, pure - He was judging America's penchant for wickedness, for homosexuality in particular, the practice of it and the tolerance of it), a hurricane Harvey (Harvey means mind, intellect - He was judging humanism, trusting in and exalting our intellects over His, creating a religion that uses His name and His word but centers around us, our understanding), or a hurricane Michael (Michael means "reflecting the spiritual truthfulness of God' - He was judging the many churches that are misrepresenting God, reflecting doctrines of devils and men instead of the Truth according to the Holy Spirit).
In America they "trust in lying words that cannot profit". "All is well" goes the common refrain - ALL IS NOT WELL! They'll tell you "peace, peace" but there is only peace for those surrendered to His will, who are pursuing Him, heavenly riches, not the worldly wealth Babylon teaches men to lust after. Not fleshly pleasures. The worst thing that God could do to a people clinging tightly to a false religion, who are on a path to Hell all the while thinking they are going to nothing. His judgments are full of His mercy. They are His wake up call to a nation lifting itself in pride, not humility. We must not continue, day after day, living apart from Him, watching our movies and our TV's, our many games or even just watching ourselves, apart from Him. He created us after all to enjoy life with us. While we practice our religious ceremonies, content in the system Satan has devised to prevent us from knowing and fulfilling God's will, while we embrace our traditions of man that exclude God's presence among us, while we practice a form of godliness but deny His power - He interrupts our routine with a tragedy. How dare He! But if, in the midst of a tragedy, we turn our hearts to Him AND KEEP THEM TURNED TO HIM, if we repent and turn from our wicked ways, if we receive Him with our hearts and not just our minds, then the judgment was merciful indeed.
These many "love" preachers and prophets, who say speaking of our Father as a vengeful, wrathful God who sends judgment, is false, are themselves false, or at the least unbalanced or misguided for God is clearly both at the same time - loving to all, wanting to save all, but all just and fair to all. Whom He loves He rebukes and chastens. His wrath, again I say wrath, the wrath of our "loving God", will be poured out as wine. He will judge and cleanse the whole earth, this time by fire. To be continued...

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...