Tuesday, May 28, 2019

With age comes a perspective the young can't see
because they've yet to experience maturity
(that my life is not about me).
But that's the price we pay -
the years we waste and days,
to bring us to the place
where our heart's sole desire
is to see God face to face
to welcome His embrace
For in His presence, all that we should not be
is conquered within us daily
that all we should be
may blossom and bloom
for Him to consume
the beauty we become, yearns daily for the Son,
and our souls drink the rain of His love poured out again and again
and we open our hearts fully to Him
that the fragrance of a heart restored to
it's original condition
will replace the former stench of sin.
Thereby we become another jewel in His crown.
Thereby we become another plant in His ground
That all creation might hear
that most joyful of sounds -
The song of the Bride
and the song of the Groom
echoing throughout eternity,
from our hearts, Lord to You
that we may be forever
Your eternal source of pleasure -
The work of your hands, the breath of Your mouth -
Serving You with our hands (deeds) and our mouths (worlds)
No more trying to resist You
but humbly seeking, oh Lord, to kiss You
as we approach Your throne of Grace
we seek nothing, oh Lord, but Your face.
As Simeon and Anna desired but to touch You
and see You - Oh Lord so do I - I need You
to remain in my proper place......

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...