Sunday, June 2, 2019

The very mandate of Babylon - which expresses the very heart of Satan, is revealed in Mt: 26:57 - "And they that had laid hold of Jesus led him"....
In denominational Christianity, anywhere people meet in Jesus' name but under the influence of Satan's spirit - this is the fruit, they lay hold of Jesus, His name, His word, His promises, even His spirit and THEY LEAD HIM, rather than following the Apostle's example, who, when they heard Jesus say "Come, follow Me", they dropped everything and immediately followed Him.
No, in church after church today, where Christianity is their religion, no matter how grand or beautiful they may appear outwardly (because after all, man looks on the outward appearance), no matter how magnificent the building they meet in, all they say, for God's glory - they lead Christ. They tell Christ what to say and do, or not say and do. Jesus prophesied the destruction of the "temple made with hands" - He no longer dwells there but now in the "temple made without hands", that is to say, our bodies, our hearts, humbled before Him, desiring to follow Him, not lead Him.
Yes, in religious services/churches, they're in charge, they're in control at all times from beginning to end.
They pretend to honor Him with their lips but their hearts are far from Him. Every part of the "service" from the worship to the offering, to the message to the altar call is all soulish, fleshly,not spiritual - it's all designed to build their kingdom, not God's. They use Christ for their gain, not give themselves for His gain. They desire to gather souls under them, to serve them, to glorify the name of their pastor, church or denomination. Christ is neither welcome nor free in their services. You are given no honor, no place in the service to minister in the anointing you walk in for they tightly control who may or may not speak and no one sent by God is ever allowed to speak or minister, though "he that receives you, receives Me". He comes to his people in the form of an Apostle or Prophet, in the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit, to deliver His people but alas "he came unto his own and his own received him not" but as many as received him, to them gave he power...)  They reject Him so they may remain in charge. He may say only what they choose. They put words in His mouth, rather than letting him put words in theirs. They pick what scriptures to share, and the understanding of those scriptures is their own, often influenced by Satan, who twists their meaning to keep people from knowing the truth. The Word alone without the Holy Spirit to illuminate it profits nothing. The Holy Spirit is not welcome even in many so called Pentecostal churches. Instead of "apart from Him we can do nothing", they say in their hearts "apart from us He can do nothing". Christ must have their permission - He may minister only when they say and what they say "And in their pride and in their flesh, they go from their service declaring they're blessed, not seeing this sin - Christ must submit to them".
They need their "world turned upside down". They need God's Spirit leading them, not Satan's. They need to become "followers of Christ", for the next step after they obey Satan's desire to "lead Christ", is found in Mt:27:2 - "And when they had bound Him, they led Him away, and delivered Him to Pontius Pilate the governor". They bind Christ in their midst! They restrict Him and force Him to submit to man's will and authority. They use His name and His word, the Bible, all the while binding Him and preventing Him from ministering in their midst, as He wills, leading Him AWAY FROM THEM to His final destination - in their hearts they fulfill Satan's greatest desire - they judge Christ to be worthy of death and they crucify Him instead of themselves, who truly deserve it, in their midst, all the while singing hymns and psalms to him, and giving Him "offerings".
Yes, these churches crucify Christ and set Barrabas  free. Barrabas led a rebellion, which is what they're doing unto God. Then, after he's been crucified in their midst, in their hearts, they prop Him up and celebrate and worship Him, a dead Christ, a Christ who isn't alive to them, who cannot influence or direct them at all.

Part two in five days.....

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