Thursday, June 6, 2019

Part Two

They continue, week after week, year after year, teaching their Bible stories, truth mixed with false doctrines, singing their songs, all the while submitting to and following each other, but never Christ. They seek each other's presence but never God's. They submit to flesh, not spirit (not the Holy Spirit, anyway). They submit to men, be it pastor or priest, rather than follow Christ. They substitute their religion for the relationship He's invested so much for them into, where He's alive in their hearts and services, choosing instead a dead religion, following a dead Christ, following self instead. Jesus' presence is cast away from their midst, they live for their flesh not for His Spirit.
They seek knowledge, not Christ. In Satan's kingdom, we're taught to become consumers, constantly seeking to feed and care for ourselves, whether it's pleasures, or food or possessions, and this pattern, this life style permeates our churches also. We're taught our Christianity is all about us, about consuming knowledge each Sunday. We're encouraged to be "hearers only", never doers, never walking in the Spirit but rather sitting in the flesh, despising the Spirit and pampering the flesh, which is where Satan wants to reside (after all, God cursed him by causing him to "eat dust"...we are made of the dust of the ground.....Satan curse is that as a disembodied spirit he will forever crave when he inhabits flesh he passes this craving on to whomever allows him in). When, however, we crucify the Christ in us instead of our self, it allows Satan to have his way with us. Where, I ask you, are "doctrines of devils" taught? In churches! Churches that claim to be of Christ. To whom does Satan appear as an "angel of light"? To Christians, in churches that belong to him. He loves to pastor and teach us his ways, not God's. He will prophecy to us if we'll hear him. In short, he wants to be our god.
Who deemed Christ worthy of death at His first coming? His people, Satan's flock. Not the world, not the lost, his own people who thought they were God's. Who rejects Christ today when He comes in the person of the Holy Spirit? His people, Satan's flock. His people crucified Christ's flesh then and his people crucify Christ's spirit now. The same sin Israel committed has been repeated by churches, except that concerning Israel, it was God's will that they crucify Him, He blinded them so they would, but it is emphatically not His will that Christians today "quench the Spirit" and cast out the Holy Spirit from their midst. There can be no void - in the absence of the Holy Spirit, Satan will take the reins of our hearts and subsequently our services, every time.
The end result of leading Christ instead of following Him (MT:27:23) is "Let HIM be crucified". Religion makes a mockery of Christ. Religion puts a crown upon His head but it's a crown of thorns. Religion gives Him robes to wear but not to honor Him but rather to honor themselves. Religion says "look at me, outwardly I look like I am honoring God but I'm really dishonoring Him inside". They will take their reed/rod of authority and smite Him with it, rather than smite the devil and his ilk. And they will do all this to you too, if Christ dwells in you.
The Herod's of this world will always seek to kill the Christ's in this world. The false authority set up by man, by flesh, will always want to destroy true authority sent by God, by His Spirit "But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, EVEN SO IT IS NOW". "For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. To be carnally minded is death, because THE CARNAL MIND IS AGAINST GOD - THEY THAT ARE IN THE FLESH CANNOT PLEASE GOD, but you are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, IF SO BE THAT THE SPIRIT OF GOD DWELL IN YOU, IF ANY MAN HAVE NOT THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST, HE IS NONE OF HIS".  Selah.
In church after church, in America and around the world, they have not the Spirit of Christ, The Spirit of God does not dwell in them. They are of the flesh therefore they cannot please God, no matter how beautiful their services and buildings appear. They have not the testimony of Jesus which is the spirit of prophecy. They have not a love for the truth. And so, judgement has begun in the house of the Lord, as He promised it would, for which I am glad. I welcome judgment so that God's people may be set free from an invisible prison in their minds and hearts, built by an invisible god (not invincible god), who lost the war for men's souls long ago. Selah. 

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...