Thursday, August 29, 2019

Jesus' birth is a picture of our own birth into His kingdom. His birth in the flesh is a perfect picture of our birth in the Spirit.

Mary was espoused (engaged) to Joseph. We must become espoused to God. We must pledge ourselves, commit ourselves, to become His bride. She was a virgin - we must seek to avoid other gods. Jesus was physically found in her, the Holy Spirit is spiritually found in us. His name is Jesus - "The Lord Saves", for He saves His people from their sins, when the Holy Spirit is found in us, He forms Christ in us, like He did with Mary and Christ in us (the hope of glory) saves us from our personal sins. The ultimate miracle is that our Jesus becomes our Emmanuel - God with us, a restoration of the garden of Eden. Our hearts become, in a real sense, the garden of Eden - where we fellowship with God, walking and talking with Him, where we eat with Him and of Him, our Jesus, the Tree of Life. From the moment Christ is birthed in us, we are to begin eating Him, that is, our souls are to begin feeding on His Word(s), on His knowledge, His wisdom. We are no longer to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of good and evil. He told us to eat His flesh, didn't He? We know that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us - so in us, His flesh becomes the Word and it is this Word we must feed our souls upon. We no longer seek knowledge alone, we seek Him, the source of all knowledge.
Joseph was raised from sleep - we must all wake up from spiritual slumber to rise and do the Lord's bidding. We must both hear AND obey. "And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed." This is a picture of Babylon, of the end days when "all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond.....receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads." So we see that Christ will return under similar circumstances like unto His first appearance. The world is fixated on money. Their souls are consumed by the love of it,
Jesus was born in Bethlehem, the "House of Bread". Jesus is the Bread of Life, which He commanded us to eat when He took bread and broke it, saying "This is My body, broken for you." We must all become "houses of bread", vessels, mobile homes, carrying the bread of life wherever we go, then, when we give ourselves to Jesus fully, in His hands, we become broken, like He was, that He may feed us the Christ in each other.
There was no room for Him at the Inn, The Inn represents the Human heart. Today, many have no room for Him in their hearts and no room for those who carry Him, who bear Him, in their hearts. The Inn is like many churches today - full of paying customers but no room for Christ. He isn't welcome among them in their comfortable religion.
So our Christ was born in a manger, a humble, humiliating, filthy place. He will only be born in humble hearts, and when His Spirit is found in us, our hearts are filthy, deceitful places, a filthy place for Him to enter the flesh into (some more filthy than others, but all dirty to some extent).
The angels know, and still know today, where Christ can be found on this earth. Anytime anyone receives Christ, anywhere He is welcomed, the angels know of it and rejoice. They announced the "good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people" to shepherds abiding with their flocks by night. Shepherding was a humble profession - God sends the message of Salvation to the lowly and the meek. He did not send the angels to the rich or to the king's palace. We must all be like shepherds, able to hear from God and who will make us aware, like the angels, of Christ's presence in others so that we may shepherd and care for each other.
Another root meaning of swaddling clothes is "bandages". Our hearts are wrapped in His love and our wounds are dressed, bandaged, when Christ enters into them. He begins a healing process that eventually results in a healthy heart, if we remain still before Him, our great Physician, and do not move off the operating table, as He circumcises our heart, turning stone to flesh. No pain, no gain. No cross with loss.
As well as the angels, God will have prophetic voices aware of Christ, or where He is, who He is with, and of His true purpose for being here on earth. Both Simeon and Anna longed to see Christ. We too must greatly desire to see Christ, in others, with others. We must crave His presence, not only in ourselves, but in others too. Like Simon, we must come by the Spirit into the Temple where Christ is found. The Holy Spirit will lead us to "temples", bodies, people where Christ can be found today, and like Simeon and Anna, the Holy Spirit in us will rejoice and cause us to prophecy over those who are with Christ, who care for Him.
So, as Jesus humbled Himself, He became less, He became small, so must we humble ourselves, by becoming small, and giving up any glory or wealth we may have in this life, like He gave up His heavenly throne and riches, in order to taste and partake of the glory and wealth of the life to come.
As He "grew and waxed strong in Spirit, filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon Him", so shall we. And when we leave our parents, our pastor, our elders (who are often surprised that we left them), those who care for us, because we're supposed to remain with them, they think, we will say to them "know you not - I must be a bout my Father's business". In other words, you are not my father or mother, but rather God himself is. And my heavenly Father must be obeyed before any earthly man or woman (authority). Amen.

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