Saturday, August 24, 2019

This is part two of my last post.

But again, the pastor who refused to allow the Holy Spirit to speak through me, a stranger, was walking in the flesh, not the Spirit because if he was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, The Spirit would have born witness that I was sent from God. How many blessings have been denied because the pastor was abusing and misusing his limited authority from God? God will send wise men to us bearing gifts for us, if we'll receive them. Isn't is funny how pastors will not hesitate to receive a gift in the natural, for instance money, from a stranger but will instantly refuse without question a spiritual gift, for example, prophecy? The Word they claim to hold dear tells us to "be careful to entertain strangers", yet in most churches strangers are given very little genuine honor and respect (because the people are not given honor and respect. They are accepted only to the point they "submit" and obey the pastor.)
Getting back to the model for meetings I introduced in my last blog, at the end of the service, give people time to question or comment on the teaching just taught. This is also a good time to activate people into God's spiritual gifts ( James Rutz has a wonderful book on this subject called "The Open Church", by the way.) Those who need the greatest gift of all, Salvation, should have this gift activated within them at this time (if the Holy Spirit hasn't convicted them already to enter into this). Those who need to be baptized into the Holy Spirit - go for it! Everyone should be active in the gift of prophecy. Some may need the gift of healing while others may need the gift of money. Taking people's money and redistributing it back to the people is a wonderful way to use their money. The rich giving to the poor brings Divine balance. No one, absolutely no one in the meeting should go hungry or without basic necessities. Give the Body time and space to "edify itself in love" and the Body will grow healthier and healthier and may I say - the healthier my physical body gets, the more quickly it reacts to anything entering into it that isn't healthy. 
I once fasted completely from all junk food, eating only healthy food and drinking only water, for three weeks. I also breathed only pure, mountain air the whole time. When I finally came down from the mountain, just the fumes from a passing bus made me sick, as did a few bites of junk food. 
No, the more of the Holy Spirit that's allowed in the people and the meetings, the more the people are given free reign to minister in His power and anointing, the easier it will be for the whole Body to recognize and reject a foreign body that shouldn't be allowed to enter in. You can smell foul, demonic spirits when they try to influence a fellowship, though most demons will flee from, and stay far away from, any fellowship ruled by, led by the Holy Spirit....."ruled by" is perhaps the wrong wording, accurate only if you understand what "ruling" means to God. The Holy Spirit, just like the Father, just like Jesus, is sent to serve us. He doesn't "lord it over us" but rather goes where He is welcome and says and does what pleases the Father, for He is always fulfilling the Father's will (this is how Jesus was able to please the Father (this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased) because he was full of the Spirit of the Father). Since Jesus left us physically, The Holy Spirit is now the greatest servant on earth, therefore He is the greatest in the Father's kingdom. Think about it, He graciously shares and bears His fruit in us, which edifies and prepares us all to dwell in the Father's presence forever. The fruit of the Spirit is delightful to the Father! Think about His gifts - all designed to benefit and bless us, His people His thoughts are continually toward us, Amen. Everything He does on this earth is for us, His people (which included Israel, by the way). Ultimately, it's all for Him, for His glory and pleasure because the end result of all His hard work in our lives is that He gets to be with us forever. 
What is a groom without a bride? What is a father without children? We are His inheritance and He is ours, hallelujah! "And the lord spoke to Aaron, you shall have no inheritance in their land, neither shall you have any part among them: I am your part and your inheritance among the children of Israel" Hallelujah! I want the Lord for my inheritance - "Come you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world", "He that overcometh shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he will be my son". Even more remarkably, He claims us as His inheritance "for the Lord's portion is His people, Jacob is the lot of His inheritance". Selah. 

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...