Saturday, December 14, 2019

I'm on the subway train and this kid shares his homemade candy with me. See, even at that age, he's a giver. There are two kinds of people in this world: those who give ad those who take. Those who spend their lives taking as much as they can and those who spend their lives giving as much as they can. Those who spend their lives on themselves and those who spend their lives on behalf of others. I want to be a giver.  I want to give every bit of the rest of my life away. I've spent far too many years concerned with myself.  Someone ignored me. Someone doesn't like me. I've been so childish and so consumed with me. What a pity. What a waste. I'm so satisfied, so fulfilled wben I'm seeking His face. When my heart is gripped by His grace. When His mercy washes over melike rain, i lose sight of what used to cause me pain. This i find to be paradise - to be a source of pleasure in His eyes.

O my soul, keep focused on His face
For found there are His eyes and lips.
When His eyes are upon you,
nothing can harm you,
and you, my soul, will not be forfeit.
When His words by you are heard,
they are spirit and they are life.
By them you will learn how to be a wife.
They will never fail but always suffice.
More precious than silver or gold,
they are your food, O my soul.
By them you'll live forevermore,
especially these, of all His words to you -
"Welcome to the kingdom My Father has prepared for you"

I don't want to be a guest at the feast
only to be told to leave.
How O God, may i buy the white raimant,
that i may be clothed,
that the shame of my nakedness will not appear?
For i am naked and ashamed,
poor, blind and lame,
I have no gold tried in the fire,
O Lord take pity and grant my desire.....

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...