Saturday, December 7, 2019

When you hear the sound of the mighty rushing wind - breathe!
Breathe deeply - inhale Him deep within!
When you feel His presence as a wind upon your soul - let go!
Let go of yourself- lose control!
He will cleanse you and make you His own.
As you and He become one - He will possess your heart and your tongue,
and the symbiosis of His Spirit and yours will shake you,  remake you, to your very core.
He will tear you down, then build you up,
all the while He'll drink with you and sup.
He will never leave or forsake you
but will lovingly take you
through the pain and the tears,
through every valley, every fear,
till your surrender to Him is complete,
till you're prostrate at His feet,
then with great joy, the words you'll hear are these -

"You are My beloved child
in whom I am well pleased.
Come and dwell eternally with Me.
Rise up now, take My hand,
Behold your promised land.
Together,  forevermore.
So many delights for you I've stored
but the greatest delight we'll ever know,
is the union of our souls!
So breathe My child, breathe in deep,
as My Spirit upon you blows"

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...