Monday, December 2, 2019

Part three

"We have a little sister and she has no breasts: what shall we do for our sister in the day when she shall be spoken for?
Deeper intimacy- the kind of intimacy he is looking for in his bride, cannot come without maturity. Maturity is the ability to please and satisfy The Lord and being able to bear him fruit. Religion breeds "saimts" who cannot love as he loves and who do not know Him by his Spirit- these are "immature sisters" to those who have matured.
       "I am a wall and my breasts like towers; then was i in his eyes as one that found favor". May we all find favor in his eyes, may we all have "mature breasts" i.e. hearts full of the sincere milk of his word. May we all know him as he desires to be known - as a husband and wife "know" one another. How can he say to anyone "I know you not"? Is he not both omniscient and omnipresent? Is he not aware of every soul on earth that has ever lived? It is because he knows them as they know him - in his mind, intellectually. With his mind he "knows" everyone on earth, but with his heart, in his "holy of holies" he knows only those who have entered there, the sanctified by His blood and with his Spirit, saith The Lord.

Get on the train without delay
or anguish will be your portion in the last day.

"Kiss the Son lest he be angry, and you perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little" Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...