Tuesday, January 28, 2020

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     Do you understand and recognize that real Christianity is not a religion? Never has been and never will be? Do you hunger and thirst for God's presence? Has church left you empty inside, with a nagging doubt that there must be something more, that something is missing? There is a joy and liberty that can only come from the Holy Spirit's active participation in our meetings, from His leadership. If you're tired of submitting to and following man, instead of God, come and join us as we invite Him to minister "to all, through all". We are Freedom Fellowship....come and be free! Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty!

I am going to shake Babylon to it's core.....here in South Korea. I'm gonna rock it's very foundation. My weapon is the sword of Truth, wielded by the Holy Spirit. His anointing, His might, His power, His words alone are spirit and life and they alone can destroy Babylon in the mouths and hearts of willing vessels.

Sitting in countless church services across the world are apostles or prophets or teachers or evangelists or pastors but we'll never know because the only one allowed to minister is the pastor or priest - all ministry is done by them and a select few they choose, with the understanding that whoever they choose must be 100% behind the pastor, in total agreement, without question, supporting and agreeing with all he says and does: this is called humility! It's called godliness and it's supremely sad. So what if someone disagrees with me. As long as they have the right heart in them, as long as they do not "sow discord among the brethren" and do not teach "doctrines of devils" or "doctrines of men" for the commandments of God. We must all learn how to disagree with one another and yet keep the bond of peace. In the past, if one ate meat and the other did not, they would separate and start their own denomination. Our doctrines should not determine our ability to fellowship with one another. There is room in our fellowship for those who will and will not eat meat. In a typical English class here in Korea, there is a wide range of fluency, but they all learn something, the key is to continually desire truth in the inward parts and to keep the bond of peace. In my classes, i have the older, more fluent children help the younger ones, and this is a good model for churches also. We should pair up older saints (older in time spent with God, not in physical age) with younger ones...have them personally disciple them. Amen. 

Friday, January 24, 2020

Today is today.  Tomorrow is tomorrow.
Keep them separated or you may have sorrow.
Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof.
No matter come what may - respond to it with love.
Do not let flesh and hate defeat you,
rather let God's love consecrate and complete you.
If a man asks you for your coat, give him your shirt too.
In this way, the love of God will be returned to you.
If you love others as much as you love yourself,
You'll be able to say of your soul - "all is well"

Keep one ear listening to men but the other to the Holy Spirit-
so that when He wishes to speak to you, you'll always be able to hear it.
And you'll be able to discern and recognize truth and lies,
and in this way, little child, you'll grow to be healthy and wise....

Sunday, January 19, 2020

The greatest anointing of all is Love

The lost will never believe in the supernatural power of God until they see it demonstrated in us. Our lives must become exhibitions of God's abilities, not our own. The greatest proof of God's existence is when we demonstrate and walk in his love - a love so illogical, so abnormal, so majestic - those who encounter it cannot help but have witnessed the miraculous. All other anointings, evangelism, teaching, prophecying, healing, faith, all of it comes from the anointing to genuinely love people as God loves them. "I have declared to them your name; and will declare it: that the love wherewith you have loved me, be in them and I in them".
Paul tells us that even if we have faith to move mountains but have not love, we are nothing. This coming from the guy who used to order people to stone others to death and then stood by watching it happen. What an amazing transformation he went through!  He also tells us that even if we sell all our goods to feed the poor and even give our very lives but have not love it profits us nothing! For if we have not love, we have not God, for "God is love".
"He that says he is in the light, and hates his brother, is in darkness" "We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death." And "He that loveth not knoweth not God, for God is love." So all those goats who thought they were sheep, who will stand before Jesus on that great and fearful day and say "Lord, when saw we thee hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison and did not minister to you?" "Insomuch as ye did it not to the least of these my brethren, you did it not to me." "If a man say, I love God, and hates his brother, he is a liar: for he who loves not his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen?"
The sheep and the goats are the wheat and the tares Jesus spoke of. All of them believe they are God's offspring but only those who love and are motivated purely by love are truly his.
Let's modernise Paul's sermon a bit - "If i build great, grandiose cathedrals, or massive, million dollar buildings, but have not love, it profits me nothing. If I go to church, three times a week my entire life and if i give my tithe and offerings faihfully and obey all my pastor tells me to do, but i have not love, I am nothing, I am a goat, I am a tare and Jesus will say "Depart from ME for I don't know you. You never knew the One you sang songs to and sat and heard messages about. Your love never transcended the emotional, soulish love the world practices and became the kind of love God practices...a love that is sacrificial, that sacrifices everything, indeed our very lives.

I hate religion.  I pray that it will all crumble and fall, that the Dam will burst asunder and the captives will be set free. Thus saith the Lord - "That which they depend on will fail them."

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Part two

Men often think they'll be heard when they pray because they pray long prayers in their gatherings but too often their prayers are vain - they're done more to be heard by men than God, they're done more to impress those in attendance that they have faith in God "When you pray, you shall not be as the hypocrites (actors) are - for they love to pray standing in their synagogues  (churches) and in the corners of the streets (outside, publicly) that they may be seen of men.....they have their reward".
Jesus tells us not to pray in public but rather "when you pray, enter into your closet, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father which is in secret" and He tells us not to use "vain repetitions" when we pray. Jesus is not saying we can never pray together publicly, in church or otherwise, a congregation crying out to God for mercy, confessing their sins or the sins of their city or nation  is a wonderful thing. Prayers from the heart as opposed to a mental assent to someone else's prayer are always preferred by God. Even the practice of leading a sinner in a sinners prayer of repentance (something I've done many times) may not be God's best way...perhaps they should be allowed to cry out to God from the depths of their heart under the Holy Spirit's conviction. Perhaps leading them in a "prayer of salvation" sets an unhealthy precedent. It may encourage them to depend on and look to you or the pastor for anything spiritual, for anything of God...instead of developing that vital connection to, that relationship with the Father through the Holy Spirit, who introduced them to Christ to begin with. Granted, He may have done it through the preaching of the gospel, he may have used your mouth to plant the seed of the Word in their heart - and he may use you to water that seed but it may be best, when the sinner comes to Christ- to tell him how to pray, not what to pray. Tell him he must confess with his mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord but he must believe it with his heart...not just his mind. He must realize in God's sight he is seperated from God by his sins but God wants to adopt him anyway, but let him express his desire for God in his own words.
Getting together every week to impress each other with how godly we are because we're gathering together does not please or impress God (or the devil). Getting together just to be seen and heard by each other does not impress God. We need to be seeking his voice when we meet. Getting together to love one another in deed as well as truth - now that pleases God. Deed - practical necessities met, food, rent money, electric bills paid, etc., and Truth - Not just teaching and preaching but prophecy! Prophecy is pure, 100% unadulterated truth, from God's lips to our hearts. If we'll let the Holy Spirit minister "to all through all" nothing will be done in the flesh, nothing will be done in vain for the Holy Spirit is the most humble spirit on earth...anyone anointed of and filled with Him will do all things with humility - no one walking in the Spirit will exalt himself or any other agenda. No one sent and used by God will teach carnal doctrines that exalt flesh over spirit, that honor men over God, that teach for the doctrines of God the traditions of men.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

You can't blame the devil for your own rebellion. You can't stand before God, both now and at the Judgment seat of Christ, and point to the devil and say - "he made me do it, it's all his fault". No, the Devil can only bring out the rebellion thats already in your heart. He can only tempt you to sin. He can't make you do anything. You, however, can make him leave you, and others, alone. He has no right to access territory that belongs to Jesus Christ. Technically speaking, the whole world is Christs - the Devil is a "squatter". He only has access to souls that allow him to. Really. No Christian should ever have a problem with the Devil. I mean, he may be stupid enough to cause trouble for you but if you know your authority in Christ and remember to use it - he will flee (to run away, swiftly, from danger) from you. Folks, he is terrified of Christ (as we should be, on one level). If we let our "Christ in us" rise up and rebuke him - all you gonna see is his back side. But remember,  Christ rebukes him from the right hand of the Father - from there, every name that is named, all authorities and principalities and powers are under his feet. He is, literally, physically and spiritually, above all. The "Name above all names" is his.
So don't let that loser influence you in any way, especially with lies. Satan's only real power, his greatest temptation to us is not to lust or hate, etc., but to doubt God, to question Him. Does he really exist? Does he really care for me, love me? Is the Bible really God's word? (I speak as a fool). Are there apostles and prophets today? Are "tongues" from God or the devil ? and so on, ad infinitum.
Has God said you shall not eat of every tree of the garden? You shall not surely die! "Resist (oppose, strive against) the Devil and he will flee from you" . "Every spirit that confesses not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh (not only his personal flesh but corporately in the flesh of every believer on earth) is not of God: not just demons but human spirits too....and this is that spirit of anti-christ, (anti means to oppose, Satan opposed Jesus in heaven and he opposes him here on earth) whereof you have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world (remember, "earth" in the Bible means the physical realm, the actual planet we live on. "World" is referring to humankind,  the human race. This is why the world (and the earth) must be destroyed by fire and remade, because they harbored a criminal, because they are filthy, unholy, from joining their spirits with the devil's, the anti-christ's - like a house infested with vermin, rats and roaches and termites, at some point, better to just burn it down and start over.
You are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world. You believe that there is one God; you do well, the devils also believe and tremble. But will you know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead? In the religion called "Christianity" they do not walk in the realm of the miraculous. Their faith, indeed, is dead. They have "a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof, from such turn away". They have endless meetings where they worship loudly, and speak to one another, believing because they have Bibles, they are accepted of God, but they never fellowship with Him, only with one another. Oh, and Satan is welcome too, as long as he looks the part - dresses up nice, says all the right "catch phrases" and puts enough in the offering plate. Faith, to them, is showing up to every service. It isn't a heart open to God's supernatural ability to do as he pleases in us, inwardly, and in our lives, outwardly, meaning, literally "all things are possible "

Part two soon

 The love of God        is so rich and so pure On His love I can depend        of this I am sure. The love with which        He rules from H...