Sunday, February 23, 2020

Consecrated flesh. The Father spoke this to me over and over as I was walking along. He strongly impressed upon me - my flesh isn't mine, not anymore, it belongs to my Father. Consecrate - to make or declare sacred, set apart or dedicate to the service of a deity, to hallow, to devote to some purpose - to change (bread and wine) into the Eucharist - Just as His Body and Blood were given away in fulfillment of the Father's will, so is mine, my body, my blood - become bread and wine to be consumed by others - take, my brethren - this bread, my body, broken for you, and eat - and I will eat of you - drink of me and I of you - we are thus sustained, we survive on our love for one another. Communion really is a union - a co-union of us, together with Him. This is why He tells us not to concern ourselves with what we shall eat, drink or wear - for our Father knows what we have need of for our bodies are His! He takes care, good care, of His flesh - "For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourishes and cherishes it; even as The Lord the Church". For we, the Church, are His body - that He nourishes and cherishes (to hold or treat as dear, to feel love for, to care for tenderly, to nurture) "For we are members of His Body, His flesh, and of His bones...".
You know, Jesus gave up His one body - sacrificed on behalf of all who will receive Him - but He gained so much more - He gained every body that throughout history has become His temple - and the same is true of each of us - who belong to Him, if we lay down our lives, our one brief life granted us by God - if we sacrifice our souls in service to Him - we gain so much more - we take, not only our one soul to heaven with us - we take the souls of all those whom Christ was able to reach - because we became living epistles, his bread and his wine - given to those in death, that they may live.
Who turns down free bread and free wine? Lead us, oh Lord, to souls who are hungering and thirsting for You, though they may not know it yet - may we become, in Your hands, broken and shared with others, poured out on behalf of others - do with our flesh as You please, O Father, consecrate us by Your presence within us - to Your service, Father. Keep us from temptation and the evil one. Amen. 

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...