Sunday, February 23, 2020

Hi everyone....we've started a new church here in South Korea and this is a few thoughts I wanted down on paper to make a few things clear from the get go....hope this is a blessing to you and feel free to copy and share this and use as a model for your fellowship anywhere in the world you are....if you would like to join the Freedom church of South Korea, we are doing a Skype online group chat every Saturday at 3pm Korea time....we do this because currently there is a virus running loose here in the near future, we will do a live Facebook feed of our services and we will post them on a Youtube channel we will start up....God bless.....May the meditations of your heart be sweet to the Lord....Chris Tripp

Freedom Church Manifesto


Great and marvelous are Thy works, Lord God Almighty! (Rev:15:3)
Oh God – Your works are what we long to see! Move among us, doing what You do best, miracles, signs and wonders, touching us, healing, prophetically revealing Your great heart to bless. (Acts 2:43, Mark 16:17, Acts 10:38)
Cast our devils far from us. Deliver us from pride and foolish lusts. For just and true are all Your ways, oh God our Lord – King of saints! (Rev:15:5)


Make Your ways known to us here (Psalm 27:11) in Freedom's church. We want You near. Show us Thy paths, teach us not to stray (Psalm 25:4) help us always, oh gracious God, to obey.


We need You, Holy Spirit (Psalm 51:11 Acts 10:45,46)
Without You we can do nothing (John 15:5)
but with You all things are possible (Mt:19:26, Luke 18:27).


Why “Freedom church”?
Because you cannot have total and complete (perfect) love without total and complete freedom -
Freedom to become who God says you are. The whole purpose of freedom is love. As long as we love the Lord our God and one another we will walk in perfect liberty. “Love one another” (John 15:12) is the highest commandment in God's heart for us, besides “Love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, mind, soul and strength”. We simply cannot love Him without loving one another. (1 John 4:7,21, 3:11, 2:1)

His presence is vital. (Ex:33:14, Psalm 16:11, 140:13). We must crave Him, ache for Him – like Moses, (Ex:33:15), we say “Lord, we'll not have another service unless Your presence is with us” - You are our shalom, our safe place in a world gone mad – only in You can we be who You want us to be, not who our parents, grandparents, siblings, spouse, friends, pastor or anyone else wants us to be – You and you alone define who we are and what we're capable of.


For many Christians, the Book of Acts is a historical document, an oddity, a chronicle of how the Church used to be, at it's genesis – but from God's perspective it's a model for us to learn from, to emulate, though we are called to do greater works that far surpass those of our early church brethren. The latter rain, the end days harvest, the miracles, signs and wonders, all are greater in every way to the early church. (Hosea 6:3)

He is returning for His Bride (Rev:22:17, 21:9, Jer:25:10, John 3:29) a bride full of His power and His authority; able to rule and reign with Him forever, by His side. She will be both pure and mature (spiritual house cleanings available). If we do not learn to rule and reign with Him now, on earth, spiritually, we will not rule and reign with Him later, physically. We must learn to do effective spiritual warfare (Eph:6:10-19, 1 Cor:1:18-24, Acts 1:8). We must put Satan in his proper place, i.e. under our feet (Rom:16:20, Gen:3:15). We must learn to use the power and authority (Acts 1:8) God has granted each one of us (Mt:28:18-20). There is only one “i” in Christ – no big “I”...but all are little in Christ, one in Him, male, female, Jew, Greek, American, Korean or Nepalese – all equal (Gal:3:28).


1 Cor:1:26, Eph:4:1, Rom:11:29, 2 Pet:1:10, Ps:42:7,Ph:3:14 -
It is my intention to anoint and consecrate each of you to fulfill the call of God on your life. This includes prophecy, one of my strongest anointings. The gift of prophecy is inherent in the life of every believer (1 Cor:14:1&29) We will not despise prophecy here in Freedom Church, rather we will cherish and welcome every prophetic utterance, whether to individuals or to the Body. We will try to record every prophetic word. We will practice moving in this most beloved of gifts. Everyone can and should prophecy! The Holy Spirit will use any tongue that is available to Him, to glorify Jesus and the Father and to exhort and edify and encourage the believers. Prophetic songs are especially welcome! Be free!


We will together, as a congregation, find out what pleases the Lord and do it, in each and every service (Eph:5;10). Generally and specifically, we will find out by revelation of the Holy Spirit, not just learn it but do it, not just hear it but obey it (James 1:22). We will not succumb to the “paralysis of analysis”. We will not be as the Greeks, sitting around Mars Hill and discussing every knew wind of doctrine....we will seek to do as much as we hear, amen.


Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify Thy name? (Rev:15:3) Show us YOUR glory, not our own, not man's or the flesh. May all who encounter us, encounter You! As Jesus said, I only do what I see the Father doing, I only say what I hear the Father saying, may we also only do and say what we are led by the Holy Spirit of our Holy Father to do and say. Cause all nations, North and South Korea in particular, to fear and tremble before You (Rev:15:3). May all fear You and glorify You for You alone are holy. Reveal all that You are capable of. We no longer wish to just read about Your past glories, your former miracles in the pages of Your Book – we want to also be pages in your Book! We want our own miracles, signs and wonders, NOW, for ourselves, for our generation (Heb:2:4, 11:1) We want NOW FAITH, not yesterday faith or tomorrow faith, but RIGHT NOW FAITH!We want future generations to read about US and testify we were faithful to our generation. We have no second act. This is it, this is our time! Our time to rise up and fulfill our Father's will, just as you did, Jesus. We want to taste You for ourselves, and see that You are good for ourselves! (Psalm 34:8) We want communion together often, for it is a fresh reminder we must consume our bread of life, daily (Mt:6:11), we must drink the blood of the covenant daily, to be cleansed and renewed in our spirits and souls and bodies, daily. We must give ourselves in service and sacrifice to one another and to You, daily. Hold back nothing from us! We want the fullness of Your blessings, but we do not ever want your blessings without you!
Way increase our knowledge and understanding of You, Oh God! (Eph:1:17) Teach us Your ways, Almighty, (Ps:86:11, 25:4), show us Thy paths to dwell in (Is:58:12). We want to walk the highway of holiness (Is:35:8)


When You move, we will move with You. When You stop, we will stop with You. (Exodus). We will dance with You! We will rejoice with You forevermore! We will follow your lead, Holy Spirit and we will be still before You, waiting patiently, when that is required. We will draw near to You, for we want to hear your “still, small voice” as well as the roar of the lion of Judah! We will blow the shofar of peace and war. .We will celebrate the feasts with joy! Especially, Passover and Yom Kippur.


Oh Father, may we be a place of safety, especially for children, in every way, especially spiritually. May the children be used as mightily as the adults, by You, Holy Spirit. May we be a place You can gather Your harvest into – where people can be themselves, real and honest with You and each other. We will mourn with those who mourn and rejoice with those who rejoice (Rom:12:15). We will allow ourselves to hurt in each other's presence and we will cover a multitude of sins with our love for each other, not expose each other's sins. We will bear one another's burdens. We want to tend to wounds, not cause them.


Mark 7:7-9 – May the thoughts and ways of man, man's traditions and doctrines, never once darken our door. For these are the days of wonder and joy that I have longed for since I was a boy. Since I was a boy, it has been God's plan to move me to a distant land, far from the thoughts of man.

May doctrines of devils (1 Tim:4:1) never be taught here.
May doctrines of devils never be thought here.
May revelation given only by You, Father, through You Holy Spirit (1 John 2:27) be shared here. Please do as You promised (1 Cor:2:10, Ez:36:27, 37;14), put the words in our mouths when we speak before kings, that is, before each other (Ex:4:12, Is 51:16, Mt:10:19)
We love You almighty Father! Not just with words but also with deeds (1 John 3:18)


Teach us how to be holy! (1 Peter 1:15&16) Consecrated! (Rom: 12;1, 1 Th:4:7, Heb:12:14). Sanctified. (Jer:17:12, Rom:1:4, 6:19&22, 1 Cor:1:30)
Justified. (2 Cor:3:9, Rom:4:25, 5:16). Set apart in service to You for all our remaining days. And when our lives are over, we will declare we were only unworthy servants, grateful to be in Your service, obeying all You told us to do (Luke 17:10). Not to us, Oh Lord, but to Thy name give glory (Psalm 115:1). May no one be exalted over anyone else in our midst except You...may we mutually exalt you and esteem You more highly than ourselves (Ph:2:3, Ps:61:2). To esteem You higher than ourselves, we must esteem each other more highly than ourselves....for as we treat the very least of our brethren, so are we treating You simultaneously. We will seek to make each other wealthy, not we ourselves (1 Cor:10:24) We will love one another fervently (1 Pet:4:8), with an unfeigned love (1 Pet:1:22), giving ourselves in service to one another, not just for two hours a week, but every single day. We will serve one another communion and we will wash one another's feet (1 Cor:11:26, John 13:14-17).


We will give as You lead us to give, Oh Lord (2 Cor:9:6-8). We are Holy Spirit led in all we do, with our time, our space, our finances, our relationships: indeed, our very lives Psalm 143:10, Romans 8:14, Galatians 5:18, Mathew 4:1, Mark 1:12, Acts 8:29, 10:19&20, 13;2,4, 16:6&7, 19:21, 20:22, Revelation 4;2, 17:3, 21:10.

We will conform to Your image, not man's any longer (Rom:8:29, Mathew 17:8)


Thank You most gracious and wise Father, for loving us as faithfully and thoroughly as You do.
Thank You Jesus for obeying our Father and going to the cross on our behalf. Thank You for every drop of blood you shed and for every tear You continue to shed on our behalf as You intercede for us before the Father. Above all, thank You for revealing our Father to us.
Thank You Holy Spirit, for leading us daily, and guiding us into all truth, no matter how uncomfortable (John 16:13). It is by You, Holy Spirit, by your presence in us and upon us, that we can accomplish our Father's will. We could not even know His will, if you did not reveal Him to us, but with You, we can do all things! Nothing is impossible! We are eternally grateful for you, Holy Spirit. Thank you for being so obedient to the Father and abiding here with us on earth. You make life so much better! 1 Cor:2:10, Acts 2:22-24, 1 Cor:16:6-9, John 6:44, Gen:1:2

We bless you! We bless you daddy! You've invited us to worship around Your throne, not just in eternity but right now! AND JUST AS YOU HAVE INVITED US TO SIT WITH YOU IN CHRIST AT YOUR RIGHT HAND, WE INVITE YOU TO SIT IN OUR MIDST, ON YOUR THRONE, WHICH IS OUR COLLECTIVE HEARTS, IN EACH AND EVERY GATHERING TOGETHER....(Ephesians 2:6)
Give us great discernment of spirits, Father, indeed, give us every one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit please and we want to also raise the dead and cast out devils. Holy Spirit come. Minister to all, through all. Where you are, there is liberty. 1 Cor:14:26, 2 Cor:3:17, Galatians 3:14,

It's not my church, or your church, but His Church!”

In Freedom church, EVERYONE HATH!

You may have to BBQ a few sacred cows to get truly free”

Faith is the marriage bed upon which our love for God is consummated”

My beloved is mine and I am his
and I have kept myself for a time such as this.
His coming is near as the dawn to my eyes.
This longing of mine is soon satisfied!
Come quickly, Lord Jesus, says the Spirit, says the Bride,
I'll not arise complete till You draw me to Your side...
My God in my heart is an all consuming fire,
come quickly Lord Jesus, for now I so desire
come quickly in response to my heart's choir,
for you I pant, for you I am weak,
for you are the one my souls seeks...
Only you can satisfy every need
only you died for me upon that tree
I am yours eternally....

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...