Thursday, March 19, 2020

Remember brethren, God is the God of "suddenlies"..."Who has heard such a thing? who has seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? shall a nation be born at once? for as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children" Behold, saith the Lord, you shall travail, you shall labor, you shall not be bereft any longer of the sons of My spirit saith the Lord. You shall not give birth to the failures of your past, but shall give birth to the fruit of our union, you shall do so quickly, as soon as you enter into travail, you shall birth my purposes and my princes into my kingdom, and it shall be marvelous in your eyes. For too long, you have been a barren womb unto Me, saith The Lord. For too long, i have seen no fruit upon your tree, yet I have not cursed you, as I did Israel, i have been patient with you, i have suffered you long, I have desired you with a great desire, I have not forsaken you or left you to your own fleshly agendas. I have seen, i have seen all the pleasures of the flesh and i have given you them till you vomit them back out, till you see how they can never bring eternal satisfaction, for they always leave you empty, no matter how much you crave them. Oh my people! How long will you deny Me the pleasure of your souls? How long will you seek another's company and not my own? How long my people will I tolerate your insincerity? Yet I have a remnant. Yet I have those whose hearts belong to Me. Yet will I achieve great victories with less than Gideon's army. You will see those who love me, rise up and shout with a mighty shout, as I enter into your realm with a shout of glory. No eye hath seen no ear has heard what I have prepared for those who love Me, yet i reveal the secrets of my betrothal to those who love me, who are called according to My spirit, my ways and my will. I will not be mocked. What religion has sown, they will reap. .Whosoever sows according to the seed of my spirit planted deep in the soil of their hearts, shall also reap the fruit of my spirit. Righteousness, peace, great peace and great joy, shall be the hallmark of their final days  on earth. The world is not worthy of them, yet i leave them a little while longer, in order to fulfill all righteousness. Those with eyes to see and ears to hear, will receive this word. Amen. .
Lord, thank You for Your word. Thank you that your perfect will will come to pass, in me and all who love you above the flesh and the things of this world. Thank your for confronting Idolatry in our generation. Thank you for dealing with the idols men set up in their hearts. Idols of their own making. Idols like sports and entertainment, industries now brought low before you, like the idol of Dagon, in 1 Samuel 5:4  Thank you for abasing the idols of man, thank you that all idols will eventually fall before you and cry out "Jesus Christ is Lord", even as the horn in the hand of the false angel Moroni, in the recent earthquake,  like the horn of Moab was cut down in Jeremiah 48:25.  Thank you that you are judging the idols of false religions like Mormonism, and Hinduism, and all others that seduce and sicken men's souls and lead them far from you. May men no longer seek sustenance and abundance from any other God but you, Oh mighty God, King of the Universe, Bread of Life, lover of lost souls, we bow our hearts before You, without ceasing, oh Rock that is higher than us. 

We, God's people, must bring His presence into the strongholds of the enemy, for when we do, their idols will fall, their jails will be shaken, and they will be defeated. It seems like a defeat when the Ark of His presence is captured and brought into the very heart of the enemy's camp, but it's not. It seems like a defeat when the apostle is jailed and put in chains, but it's's all part of God's plan. How silly of the enemy to bring God, through His people, right into his very midst. He will find out too late what a bad idea that is. So, people of God, if the enemy appears to get the upper hand over you, if it appears as if he has defeated you, jailed you, put you in bondage, look out! You are right where God wants you to be!

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...