Monday, March 16, 2020

The following are some prophetic insights the Lord has been sharing with me concerning the Corona virus.
Often, throughout history, Judgment has preceded revival. It takes a national tragedy or city wide catastrophe to kick start a revival. Take Ninevah, just after judgment was announced in the form of a prophecy, the entire city, from the king on down, repented (wouldn't it be wonderful if that happened today?) Just after the great San Francisco earthquake, Azuza street happened. During the Vietnam war, the Jesus movement happened.
I believe the Corona virus is a prophetic sign to those with eyes to see. Consider the ease with which it spreads. No man made borders or boundaries can keep it out. Consider the countries most affected by the virus – China, South Korea, Iran and Italy – I believe these nations are being targeted by God for a tremendous revival. I believe in the days ahead, the Holy Spirit will be “shared” as easily and as rapidly as the Corona virus AND He will be shared in the same way, by breathing and touching! Remember, Jesus shared the Holy Spirit by breathing on the disciples and the power of the Holy Spirit is shared by believers through the laying on of hands
Very few countries will be able to avoid His presence, none will avoid Him completely...we are seeing Joel 2:28 about to come to pass “and it shall come to pass afterward, I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh”. Like the virus, He will impact different nations to different degrees. I'm also believing certain cities will become epicenters of the Holy Spirit's outpouring, like they have been hotbeds for the virus, cities like my hometown of Daegu, here in South Korea, and Seattle, in the US. From cities like these, the presence of God will be carried by Hosts to the whole world, like the virus has spread from Wuhan, China.
Yes, I'm believing for “carriers” of the Holy Spirit's presence to “”infect” (affect) others who will in turn become transmitters to others who then impact so many we will have a “kingdom of God pandemic” on our hands. A “pandemic” by definition is something, usually a disease, that is “prevalent throughout an entire country, continent, or the whole world” - isn't this what our hearts are yearning for? A widespread revival that will sweep a multitude of souls into His kingdom? Do we not want God's presence to be known and felt around the world, on every continent, in every nation? Can your faith believe God for this?
The Corona virus originated in Wuhan, China. I was led by the Spirit to research Wuhan. This is what I found -
Wuhan has several nicknames, among them is “China's thoroughfare”. A thoroughfare is a street or road. God is taking to the streets! In these last days, He is breaking out of the “temples made with hands” i.e. churches. He is tearing in two the veil of religion so many churches are hiding behind and He is exposing Himself to the World! He will no longer be trapped in the churches, who believe they hold the patent on God, but He is going to the “highways and byways” to invite “whosoever will” to come and dine at His banqueting table full of His bounty prepared for all mankind.
Another nickname for Wuhan is “River city”. We know from scripture that one of the ways the Holy Spirit is referred to is as a river – a mighty, rushing river (those planted by the rivers of water shall bring forth much fruit and shall prosper). “River City” is a strong prophetic word for all of God's people alive today for it clearly reveals God's heart for His people. We are God's own “River City”, the New Jerusalem, for out of it (us) flows the Spirit of the Living God, for out of the Father's throne flows the river and I believe this is a picture of what happens when He is enthroned on our hearts....His mighty presence flows out of us through our bellies. I am also believing, as stated, select cities in the natural will become “River Cities”, like Wuhan, places where the Holy Spirit will be found in highly concentrated levels, not diluted at all by the spirit of men or devils, who seek to pollute what He is saying or doing.
Wuhan's motto is “Different everyday”. This is a tremendous slap in the face to the religious spirit which seeks to mold people into a cookie cutter sort of blandness, that sucks the individuality out of people and forces them to look, talk, act and believe exactly the same way as their pastor and each other. Churches become like fast food franchises, every branch everywhere looking exactly alike, serving the same meals. They mimic each other relentlessly.
Meanwhile, God's kingdom is the exact opposite. Look at the world he made! Isn't it filled with an astounding variety of creatures, flora and fauna? Look at fish, for example.....most with the same basic shape but each species so different. Look at people...we all have eyes and ears and noses, but yet we all look unique and different. There is a variety of gifts of the Spirit but all from one Spirit. As the Holy Spirit breaks forth and rushes upon the whole earth, as the Dam of religion that has held Him back for so long finally gets broken to pieces, as He floods the earth like the other flood in the days of Noah, as this happens, not two fellowships birthed by Him will be exactly the same. We won't be imitating each other anymore, but we will be formed into the image of Christ, and He looks like the entire world, for every nation on earth is found in His Body He made all nations for himself and each one is unique, each one has it's own unique dances, songs, Kimchi anyone?
Jesus never conformed to man's expectations of Him and He's not about to start now. He often healed people in a new and different way. He didn't stick to a pattern. This happened because He was a disciple and follower of the Father, remember Him? The one that made the earth with such variety? When we also follow the Father and say what He says and do what He does, we too will be as different from one another as people are in the natural.
Flesh loves complacency. Flesh is lazy, when it comes to spiritual things. Remember Jesus' words? The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak? Flesh is content to sit and let the pastor do all the work, week after week. Flesh likes to sit in the same pew every week, sing the same songs, and hear the same sermons again and again, while God delights in newness. Sing a new song, He tells us, Behold I am doing a new thing, says the Lord.
Lastly, Wuhan is located in the east. Not only the “Far East” but in eastern China. Jesus said “as the lightning flashes from the EAST to the WEST, so shall the coming of the Son of Man be”. I believe world wide revival will come from the east to the west. From China and Korea to Iran, to Italy and onward. Many are looking to America for everything spiritual these days but God delights in using the least, the smallest, the weakest to fulfill His will. He uses the foolish of this world to confound the wise. He does things His way, not the way the world would do it! It's just like Him to use a small nation to impact the whole world, just look at Israel! Jesus chose to be born there, not Rome, which is where the world would have placed Him is they were writing the gospel narrative. So, I believe revival will come from the east. This is not a hard and fast rule but a general principle, after all, revival is going on in Brazil right now. But remember, the Bible tells us, out of all the gates surrounding Jerusalem, Jesus will return through the Eastern gate. Hallelujah!
Believe with me, brethren, breathe on this word with me, fan the flame of it into a blaze, a wild fire that will consume the whole earth. Let's rejoice together and believe the Father that this word will come to pass. And soon. Yes, wherever the virus has gone it has affected everyone, not just those who have it. It's no longer “business as usual” is it? Our comfort zones are being disrupted. Routines are vastly changed. We are being inconvenienced. Some have died. Guess what will happen when the Holy Spirit is poured out on all flesh? When He gets a hold of vast numbers of people? Life as we knew it will end. For the better. Churches have stopped meeting. When the Holy Spirit comes, religion will cease. Sports have stopped. When He comes, we will be so consumed with Him, nothing else, literally nothing else, will satisfy us but Him. He will inconvenience us, but for our good. He will disrupt our routine lives that revolve around so many agendas but him. He will become our life. And yes, some will die. Remember Ananias and Sapphira? A holy fear and reverence for God and His ways will be a hallmark of this last generation, amen.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...