Monday, April 13, 2020


We must tune our  hearts
to God's reality
We must tune our hearts
to God's frequency
turning till
       we hear Him       clearly
Rest or trial - all the while,

Tune your heart
to hear  His  voice
Tune your heart
make this choice
That He is who you want
to speak to and hear...

Reverence Him with a Holy Fear
till you're prostrate
before His face
unable to rise
in pride and disgrace

I pray
I stay
on this altar
where You slay
all that hates You

remaining humble
remaining true
because I dwell
inside of You
where I do not ignore
my first love I once adored

Tune your heart to
Him today
As you read this
pause and pray
"Oh Lord, Your voice I seek,
come now and speak
to me...
For Your voice reveals Your heart
oh my Holiest of holies
is Yours to abide in
Together we'll confide in
one another, as Father and child
or as lovers gone wild"

I pause to commune
as my heart I tune
to the One who rescues

I'm naked before the One
who became naked before me
Nothing hidden, no duplicity,
I give all to You
who gave His  all to me
May our communion be sweet
and eternally pleasing, to You, my God
of joy and peace,....

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...