Friday, April 17, 2020

In the end
           it's become crystal clear
All You want,
           all You've ever wanted from me
        is found right here
   My heart
My heart is all You want or need
You desire the deepest part of me
You want my heart eternally
Oh my God -
       my heart is yours to keep
       This, my Lord is my ministry-
       To keep my heart ever open to Thee,
       purified, distilled to this simplicity,
       You want my heart completely.
       It's all I had to give You in the beginning ,
       now in the end, I see
       it's all You value and need
                      from me

everything I do, everything  I say,
comes from the union of our hearts
oh God of intimacy

or it's not worth doing or saying
indeed I do Your saints a disservice
if I minister from any other source
but You - my way, my truth, my life
for i am Your eternal wife

So here I am
     laying my heart bare before You
Come and sup, come and commune,
eat of me as I eat of You...
I give You my body,
I give You my blood,
I give You this
in response to Your love

You loved me first
You sacrificed Yourself, became cursed
It's my honor and joy
to give You me
as completely
as You gave me You -
Heart to heart, from now on
I will remain heart to heart
I'm the spoil of the war You fought for my soul
I'm the loot of Your pursuit,
the inheritance from the blood You spilled
I'm the salt of Your sacrifice
I'm but one single life
but it's Yours to do with as You please
plant me in the soil of Your heart
may my roots grow deep
as deep as my tree grows tall
that humility will anchor me through it all

May many fowl come
     and find rest in my shade
and partake of the fruit of our intimacy
in peace and safety
High above the flesh full of death
Fly away! Fly away now
to the midst of the heavens
where nothing is allowed
to hinder or come between
you and your God unseen
Fly to the mountain top's Eagle's nest
for Mt. Zion, oh God is the highest
mountain on earth - only accessed
by those with wings of faith
who fly on the wind of His breath

Feed me there
Visions and revelations rare

Now is my day of reckoning
Now am i Your offering
Sanctify, glorify, My hands, my feet, made holy
heal all who come to me

Now, are my lips touched by
the coal from  Your Spirit's fire
ever burning with great desire
to deliver and heal and set Your people free
From all that keeps them in captivity
May i be like You      holy
May I minister at Your feet
washed by my tears of repentance and joy
May the fragrent ointment of my love
poured from my broken heart
Pleases You my God
who humbles Himself more than us
For You've allowed us to touch
and be touched now by You...

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...