Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Lord's lament

I saw you on Facebook messenger.....again
Why is it so easy for you to spend
your time on social media,
    .....all the while ignoring me, ahhhh,

I miss you
I miss your face
as you pause to pray,
as you read my Book
Instead you're hooked
on Instagram,
Don't you understand?
I want you
........to spend time with me
not downloading
what the world finds lovely.
Come to me      and live....
Face Me
Don't disgrace me
Chase me
                    and I'm yours
if you'd only pursue
Me as much as you
desire your "friends"
who in the end
cannot save -
Come, spend time with me today-
Put down your phone,
I'm always home
waiting for your call
And that's really all
I came to earth to do,
spend time with you.
Share your heartaches,
Share what you celebrate,
Share your time,
Share your mind
with Me.....
My reward...
          is eternity......

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...