Monday, May 25, 2020

You can trust again
For you have been healed
of the wounds of a friend.
Though the memory will remain,
it will do so without pain,
For my love has overwhelmed you,
My arms and my heart have held you
so close, my child, so near,
I could count every tear...
And even as you wept,
I have kept
                      your soul in my care,
Child, I have always been there.

At times your wounds
keep you from seeing
how near I am to you.
Doubt and unbelief,
they compete
for your soul's affection,
drawing you away from
My protection.
At times your pain
forms a wall around your heart
that keeps us apart -
Though i am with you,
even to the end of the world,
your back is to me,
when you are focused on your pain
and not my face...
Your joy is then replaced
by grief....

Turn and behold My face -
See the love? In my eyes?
In my presence there is no trace
of the shame you suffered from their lies,
when they rejected your love
for I have accepted your love.

My child, I am so proud
of how, even now,
you are receiving these words of mine -
Do not cease to partake of
My bread and my wine....

I ate the bread of your affliction
so that without contradiction
You could eat
                        what I am now revealing,
     - the bread of healing...

Simply turn, turn and I will mend
and you will learn.......     to trust again.....

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...