Sunday, May 31, 2020

Why did Jesus come to earth? To seek and save that which was lost! This is also the reason the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost. God's focus, since the fall, has always been on saving and restoring souls back into right relationship with Him. This should also be our life's primary goal - to give our souls to God for His good pleasure and to bring as many as we can to Him, for His purpose and pleasure.

Remember Paul Revere's famous midnight ride? His mad dash through the New England countryside shouting "The British are coming! The British are coming? "
Well, I am today's Paul Revere and I'm shouting "The harvest is coming! The harvest is coming!"
Paul's cries saved lives! Because of his warning, people had time to prepare. Heed this epistle and you too will have time to prepare for the coming harvest of souls. Much preparation is needed! What exactly are you doing to prepare? Are you ready to give an answer to all men as to the hope that lies within you? Are you ready at any time to bring a soul to Christ, the Christ that you brought to that soul? As we bear Christ in our hearts we must then bare our hearts to people so they can taste of Christ in us and see that He is good. We must also be intimate with the Holy Spirit that He might use us at anytime, anywhere to fulfill the Father's will to go and make disciples of all men.
We must prepare by denying every last iota of religion, by shedding religious garments for robes of righteousness, for the upcoming harvest must be brought into the kingdom of God, not religious storehouses where it lies there and rots. We must fill God's kingdom with souls, not man's fiefdoms!
We must raise them on the fear and admonitions of the Lord. We must fear the Lord ourselves or we cannot teach others to fear Him. We must feed them the sincere milk of the Word as well as the meat of the Spirit.  We must not own them or possess them or lord over them for these are the ways of the flesh, rather we must serve them, esteeming them more highly than ourselves. They do not belong to us but to Christ!
When the Apostle Peter thought he had lost Christ, he went right back to his old, and again Jesus met him in his doubt and unbelief. He will meet you too, right now where you are, even if you're full of doubts and unbelief, even if you're wondering where your Christ has gone. And this time, Jesus filled that unlearned fisherman with His Spirit and he fulfilled Jesus' promise to him and he truly became a "fisher of men" by leading 3000 to Christ and the Holy Spirit in one day!
Prophetically speaking,  this is our day of Pentecost! The Holy Spirit will soon be poured out on all flesh, and they will need us to understand what is happening to them. They will need spiritual "midwives" to usher them into the kingdom of our Father. They will need to be protected from the spirit of abortion trying to prevent them from living the true, abundant life found only in Christ. They will need spiritual fathers and mothers not sycophants who can only bring them to their church. They will need a spiritual parents love, to feed and nurture them by giving them His love, His thoughts, teaching them His ways. Personally taking care for them by inviting them into their homes and their hearts. Selah.
The coming harvest will take place largely outside the churches. Unless a pastor is willimg to forsake all ties to his religious organization he will not partake of the coming move of God. Many in leadership must repent of hindering God rather than helping Him.
The harvest is coming! The harvest is coming!  Rise up you prophetic "Paul Revere's" of our present generation! Go forth into the highways and byways - prepare a people that will make His paths straight, that will make ready a people for the coming of the Lord! Warn them, encourage them, feedbthem and clothe them, lay your life down for them as Jesus did for you!
Remember,  "Paul" means "small". Humility is absolutely vital to stay in a position where God can work with us. We must remain small in our own eyes. The temptation to become puffed up, full of pride is always lying just outside our hearts door, knocking, trying to gain entrance. The lusts of the eyes and flesh are also waiting to ensnare us, to invite us to lust for worldly glory and wealth.
"Revere" means "to regard with respect tinged with awe"! What a wonderful way to view the souls God puts in our care! We revere God by revering one another!
The harvest is coming!  The harvest is coming!  Paul Revere rode at midnight. Most were asleep....and so it is now, most are asleep spiritually. Wake up! The harvest is coming!

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