Saturday, May 9, 2020

You turned my test...
                         into a testimony!
You turned my stumbling blocks...
                         into stepping stones!
I'm no longer destitute.
I'm no longer lonely,
cause in You Lord I've found my home...

There's nowhere You don't care for me,
there's nowhen You don't send blessings
No matter where i go, no matter what i do,
Your love remains faithful and true.

El Shaddai, my Adonai -
with You my soul is satisfied!
My Yeshua, my Abba, my Ruach ha Kadesh,
in You my heart is eternally blessed!
That is why I can't help but confess -

You turned my mess into a message!
You took my faults and made me faultless!
You took my debts and stamped them "paid in full"
Oh God! I'm so thankful!
My death is now void and null...
...because of what You did in the place of the skull.

Now daily my heart feels Your pull,
to enter in fully to
Your Holy Spirit's school
and learn all i can from You,
My Alpha,
                           My Omega
My idol breaker,
                            My jealous One,
who will not share me with another
My firstborn among many brothers,
these words of mine will never end,
because You, my Lord,
                                             call me friend

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...