Saturday, May 2, 2020

It only takes one stone
to knock that giant off his throne.
It only takes one touch
from the King of kings
to quite literally change everything.
It only takes one word of prophecy
to completely alter your destiny...

That stone that defeats your Goliath,
is the corner stone - our mighty Messiah,
alive inside us -
       the stone the builders rejected,
       in your heart accepted.
That king of whom's touch i speak of,
is the King whose kingdom is built on love.
The prophecy of which i speak,
is "Come to Me, all who are weary, lowly and meek
and I will give you rest.
I'll be with you in the midst of every test.
I'll not leave you, nor forsake you.
I only want you to be blessed.
So turn,
             turn from your wicked ways
and follow Me      and agree
                                        with all I say....
And you will preserve your soul blameless
in these last, dark, desperately wicked days.

My Word, in your heart, must reign supreme,
not just be counted among a steady stream
of words spewed forth from the mouths of men
whose lives are given to fornication and other sins.
Their words are rooted and grounded in pride.
Eating them will cause your spiritual suicide.

Keep yourselves, My little ones,
from the lusts, and the pride
that comes from the heart of the father of lies.
I have warned you of this many times,
do not mix        the holy and the profane
Yet still too many cannot see
what to embrace and what to disdain.

I am raising and releasing fathers
who will only proclaim
The words of My mouth
that bring honor to My name,
not to their own, not to fleshly glory or callimgs...
Frankly, so much of what i hear is appalling...

Little ones, come apart
flee from the coming wrath
by staying on the narrow path.
My Father's soon coming judgements will bring to fruition
Babylon's total collapse -
till not one stone is left upon another,
till even the stench of her dust
is no longer found on the feet of My lovers.....

Come, hide in the cleft of your rock,
your rock of your salvation,
while I judge the sins of this wicked generation.
Do not fear nor tremble nor shake
when you see an increase
in storms, plagues and earthquakes.
Great confusion shall abound
but in Me shall great peace be found....

Remember - I spoke of these things before,
that you would be prepared and forewarned-
For you are now living in Mathew chapter 24

Those who endure with Me to the end
are the ones My Father's given
whom I call My friends.....
I am so proud of you!
I speak of you often to My Father,
who is even now preparing a great feast
for the hungry poor, the lowly and the meek,but
the humble ones    who have learned
how to wash My feet,
for as you have done it to the least,
you have done it unto Me...
And in this , My children,
                                    My Father is well pleased...

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...