Monday, June 29, 2020

I saw the leaves that had fallen
and i remembered a forest ......long ago
I hear your whisper on this breeze a callin'
me back home.....

You haven't left or forsaken
the childlike joy i did partake in
though the tether to my childhood's whims
has grown thin...

Yet still Your Spirit is speakin'
through this waterfall i am beside
It's tellin' me again to drink in
Your Spirit,     deep inside

I'm never alone        in my solitude
this my soul well knew
   yet chose to wander and forget
that i am ever with you

Still, as i grow calm and still,
like the waters of my youth
You draw me near again with skill
for you have never let me loose

The clouds that drift by so gently
the birds that sing their sacred songs
all have wooed and all have kept me
where my soul has always belonged....

Love lent me     the strength to stay weak
and dependant on Thee
Love has righted every wrong
to my heart love holds the key
Oh Jesus.......come quickly

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...