Wednesday, July 8, 2020

The earth was formless and void
and so was your soul
Darkness covered the face of the Deep,
Your spirit's darkness was total and complete
But inyour darkness- there shone a light,
God's word                 shined bright.

"Let there be light"    and there was
and it's exactly the same today because
God changes not - He speaks still,
His word is just as powerful
today - it's fulfilling His will.

Yes, still He sends
His word on His wind
as on creation's first day.
All creation still listens to and obeys
whatever He says

(except men, who alone of all flesh can choose to disobey him)

"Let there be ___________________________you!"
Let there be light in the darkness of your soul!
Let the Holy Spirit as a wind blow
upon the face of your deep -
breathe,        breathe
The breath of life
inside your earth
Let there be a Divine birth
and you came to be
just as surely
as you did from your mommy and daddy
and God said
     "I'm glad you're here with me"

And he made a place
for believing and faith (heaven)
and you appeared
from out of the sea
of humanity -
Separated from them,
you're different from all other men
In you He plants His seed,
that you may give Him glory

So stand today in newness of life,
stand in your God's power and might.
Seek His Spirit's anointing like oil,
rest in His grace,  cease from your toils
and you will find, peace of mind -
as all you are,
       is healed by His scars
oh precious one
        called to forever
                             live among the stars

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...