Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Opinions are so easy to gather,
in these days of social media blather.
Everyone can share what they think they know
but the only opinion that truly matters,
amidst the cacophony of chatter,
is Mine, says The Lord, yout master....
Listen to My voice
                          and Mine alone
That is if you care
                     to honor My throne.....

Yes there are many thrones today,
exalting all that men do or say,
giving honor to each other incessantly
but never giving honor to Me -
only lip service....
Am I making you nervous.?
Don't be.....   be at peace
by listening to Me.
I will calm you
by leading you beside still waters.
My yoke is easy, My burden is light
and you are so precious in My sight.
In My Father's presence
is the rest your soul needs....
It's for your good that I command you to follow Me,
to take heed,
to My words,
Mine alone
                        will guide you home....

My voice alone will lead you down the path
of righteousness
               where you'll find yourself
eternally blessed....
You'll be full of the works of My Father,
full of His Spirit
who alone breaks mighty yokes,
who alone delivers you from despair to hope.
Shut down
all the doors you've opened to the enemy!
His ways are seductive,
      the flesh they will appease
yet, in the end,
                           they will leave you empty,
                             of all that is of Me.....

No child, put a stop to it now.
Give My word a look,
instead of Twitter.....or Facebook
or any other source
                 that will lead you off course....

Stay fixated, stay focused,
on Me, My son
and I will set you free,
your bonds will be undone
till you become
                 the disciple I've desired
since I formed you in the womb of My desire for you,
In My womb of warmth and safety,
You'll stay
                    till all that you are
                                                               .......praises Me.....

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...