Tuesday, June 16, 2020

The Holy Spirit spoke this to me today, and it sent chills up and down my spine -

"You can receive the gift without receiving the gift giver"

Oh God, may I never desire Your gifts above You!
Oh Lord - if I had to choose between the two - I would much rather have You than any gift You give. May I never receive the Word of the Lord without receiving the Lord of the Word. May i value and pursue Your presence over your word, your gifts, and anything else You give - family, wife, children, church, ministry, all of it, I lay at Your feet.
You are my heart's highest honor, my sole (soul) pursuit, my bread and my wine, all i am is thine.
Oh God! Please keep me
ever in Your presence, deeply.
I don't want anything You give to satisfy me to the point where I  don't  care if you're here or not.....may all that is satisfied without You rot....

And reader, how about ...the gift of Salvation!  How many receive such a great gift, yet never go on to know the giver? How many are satisfied to attend endless church services without His presence? How many know all about him yet don't know him? Can our souls receive from him without giving to him? Can we remain self-centered instead of Christ-centered, even after we're quote "saved"? Can we receive the gifts of the Spirit without the Spirit? Food for thought.....comment below....

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...