Thursday, July 30, 2020

I'm a teacher, among other things. My goal is to get my students out of my class to the next level. I can teach them something, impart knowledge about something- but they must learn how to use that knowledge,  otherwise they become hearers only and not doers. Preaching and teaching are there to equip the Saints to do the work of the ministry. We minister to the immature in order that they might mature.  We do not replace the Holy Spirit in their lives - we do not do His work for Him. We are not to stunt a child's growth, keeping them dependant on us, feeding them milk and never meat. It is by reason of use that their spiritual senses are exercised, which molds them into healthy Saints.

Example: I try to maintain a clean classrooms.  If I see garbage on the floor,  I can pick it up or I can have my students do it - so they can learn by doing what it is I expect of them. I can tell them how to pronounce English correctly but until they DO IT themselves they haven't really learned it.

I can do all the teaching in church, all the prophecying, all the praying, laying on of hands for healing, or, I can demonstrate these ministries, then release the people to do the work of the ministry  "For the perfecting of the Saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the Body of Christ....." remember, the body will grow healthy when "every joint supplies, according to the effectual working in the measure of EVERY PART, maketh increase of the Body unto the edifying of itself in love".

Trust the Holy Spirit. He knows what he's doing.  As the Saints are allowed to minister to one another,  it will quickly become apparent where their talents lie, what anointing God has chosen for them. Their state of maturity will quickly become apparent also, and age has nothing to do with it.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

So, most people equate going to church with meeting with God. Many people do not meet with Him during the week, in between services, so church becomes very important to them. In fact,  it becomes the entire focal point of their Christianity. Their spirituality is completely dependant on their church. The problem is, if they do not meet with their God on a daily basis - if they only wait for their "Moses" to come down off the mountain to deliver God's word to them, if they aren't hearing from God for themselves, personally, then they will not be able to recognize His voice, His presence (or lack thereof) at church. In other words, they are easily deceived into thinking a religious ceremony, or service if you will, using his name and his Word, is the same as meeting with Him. When they believe their church is God, or of God, when they believe their church is how or where God meets them, they over rely on their church and they put it on a level it isn't. Of course this isn't referring to churches where God actually DOES meet with them, where His presence is welcomed and hungered for, no, I'm referring to churches where they prefer endless religious rituals void of His presence. If this is the case, it produces two results (there's more, but for now I'll focus on these two).
1) If you criticize or point out error in their doctrines/beliefs, or you disagree with pretty much any aspect of their "services", they get very angry and resentful and will usually cease to fellowship with you. You're given the "left foot of fellowship" instead of the "right hand of friendship".
2) They equate their pastor to be infallible in all he decides and teaches. This means they believe God is speaking to them through their pastor, even when he is not. It also means the pastor cannot, nor should not ever be corrected. This is how cults are run. Pastors end up demanding every one but themselves remain humble and teachable....meaning they must accept all the pastor teaches as Gospel. Very dangerous for the people and the pastor. We are not infallible and we are not meant to be treated this way. Our egos cant handle it.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Part two

As citizens of that holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband, our passports are stamped with the blood of Calvary, our visas are inked with the blood of the Lamb; and all are sins are written in the Book with invisible ink, for theyve disappeared from the record of our lives.

Jesus did not grant us citizenship in his eternal kingdom so that we might establish a religion based on him, no, he came to give us life - resurrection life powerful enough to raise us all from among the dead to be counted among the living. He does not want a religion, even one built on his name, he wants to be the cornerstone upon which all that we are and ever will be is built. For he is a strong and sure foundation- our rock of Salvation, our rock of refuge, in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me, he shall set me up upon a rock, and the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds of adversity blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. He is the Rock upon which our lives are founded. His strength is what we trust in and lean upon to see us through. No matter where we walk, whether it be land or water, his word will bear us up and keep us safe. He did not come to establish an earthly kingdom or nation. The only natural kingdom he has ever personality established is Israel. All others are not his concerns except for how they treat Israel - the apple of his eye. Neither should any nation but Israel be our concern. He is concerned with the souls found in all nations, not the geopolitical boundaries men establish. He does not give heed to the religions men hold dear, no, his agenda is different. He is seeking to populate his holy city with souls that will be a part of his kingdom forever. Consequently,  we are the called according to his purpose, called out of darkness to glory. We are they which were not but now are, partakers of the heavenly calling and we are the general assembly of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and we are come unto Mt. Zion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels.

We are not any longer Caucasian, Asian, Black or Latins. We are not Americans, Europeans, Africans or Asians. We are not even male or female. We are, in Christ Jesus,  a new creature, no longer of this world "They are not of this world, even as i am not of this world". Though we are in the world we are not of it. We are of "the world to come - whereof I speak. For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come.  Together,  we make up his bride - wherein are members heart picked from every earthly family,  nation, tribe and tongue.  Just as male and female, and hence all nations, were in Adam before God took his rib, so are all nations, male and female made one again in the second Adam, Jesus Christ our Lord.  Indeed, he had a wound open in his side like the first Adam....perhaps Father put the rib back he had given Adam. Regardless, we are now in a higher state of being - we are now liberated from all fleshly boundaries and lusts. We are called to sore with him in Spirit to ever new heights; causing our souls to delight in him, to rejoice in him, to fall in love with him.

So keep your eyes, the eyes of your understanding, upon Jesus: the author and finisher of your faith. For he who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it. Your faith is in him alone, stop looking to flesh, to man. Stop looking at the world through carnal glasses. Do not see the nations the way those in the world do. Remember- there are only two nations on earth today - the offspring of Seth and the offspring of Cain. The citizens of the New Jerusalem and the citizens of Bab. This is reality as seen through the eyes of the Spirit. No Jew or Greek, male or female, black or caucasian - only those who are in Christ and those who are not. Those who do not love him and keep his commandments are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters and whosoever LOVETH AND MAKETH A LIE. 

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

     The United States is perhaps mankind's greatest testimony to it's own insipience and wickedness. The USA is perhaps God's greatest witness of mankind's propensity to commit evil, for what other nation in human history has enjoyed the freedoms and prosperity that America has? If anyone was to ever stand before God and blame their sin on their circumstances, if they would point an accusing finger at God and declare "if only i could live like royalty, with my own home and land and plenty of food for my belly, then i would spend my days in perfect obedience to your will" then God can point to America and say "see what happens when i pour my grace upon a land and people, giving them more blessings than any nation before them, even Israel. They have great freedoms to do whatever they want with their lives."  So what have they done with it?
     They turned their relationship with God into a religion they call "Christianity", full of false pretenses, who appear outwardly to be following Christ but who are instead following men. Look at America's fruit, after more than 200 years of "Christianity" - almost every other commercial on TV is for a drug or medication of some kind. The pill industry alone  is one of America's highest grossing industries, raking in BILLIONS each year. This says loudly, it shouts in God's face, we do not need, believe in or accept the healing we can attain through your suffering and death, no, we can heal ourselves!
     Which country, exempting China, has aborted more of it's babies than all other nations combined throughout mankind's history?  Which country leads the world in the effort to normalize and accept the practice of the wickedness known as homosexuality? Which country has become more and more wicked and perverse, the number one exporter of pornography to the world?
     Yet, because there remains a few upright, godly men and women in America, like Sodom and Gomorrah, when God promised he would spare both cities if he could find just ten righteous living in them, perhaps God will spare America but if he does, what will she do with her continued Divine blessings and freedom? Will Christians continue to attend their religious ceremonies, turning the hearts and souls of people away from God and not to him? Religious Christianity, and indeed all of man's religions, are eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. When men do this they presume to take God's place - man truly now believes he can decide for himself what is good and what is evil. Look at most of our movies and TV shows....they almost always revolve around the theme of "good vs. evil", with good usually winnning in the end. We love to depict ourselves as inherently good. We like to see man, in his own strength and wisdom, apart from God, defeating evil. Yet Jesus pointedly declared to the religious "Christians" of his day - "No man is good". Indeed, this is a foundation stone in our path to God - declaring to him and ourselves, "I am not good", indeed, i am evil. But those eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, who believe they know what is good and what is evil, these people start denominations based on their understanding and interpretation of scripture. They decide with their own understanding what the Bible is teaching, rather than by continuing revelation from the Holy Spirit. So in the end, we see that America is only following the church's example.
     Every medical and scientific advance we make reinforces the belief that they do not need God, that they are in fact, gods unto themselves, as Satan promised they would be way back in the garden. God created light? So can we! God heals? We can too! We can fly! Whatever God can do, we can replicate, and in some cases do it better, they believe in the pride of their haughty hearts.
     So we see, unfortunately, that the same thing that has made America great will also destroy America. In America, Satan is welcomed and celebrated right alongside Jesus, and in many churches he is welcomed AS Jesus. He is the author and finisher of all of man's religions and all religions, up to and including Satanism, are welcome in America. In the U.S. we mistake our liberty to mean we have the right to sin - in any way we please, covert or overt. Our "Freedoms" end up enslaving us, while what we think of as slavery will set us free. What many call good in their own eyes is actually evil in God's eyes. What many think is evil is actually good accoording to God.
     Mark my words - Satan takes his freedoms as a citizen of the United States very seriously and uses them to roam about freely, doing as much harm as he can, both physical and spiritual. The only country on earth that will not allow Satan citizenship is Zion, with the New Jerusalem as it's capitol. It is the world's only theocracy. Long for, ache for, hunger and thirst for the day when the New Jerusalem appears in the sky, transitioning from the third heaven to the second to the first, from the spirit realm to the natural and Jesus himself rules from Mt. Zion, his seat of authority on earth. Stop putting so much faih in and focus on the USA, or any other natural kingdom or country. Join instead with those who COFESSED THAT THEY WERE STRANGERS AND PILGRIMS ON THE EARTH, FOR THEY THAT SAY SUCH THINGS DECLARE PLAINLY THAT THEY SEEK A COUNTRY. AND TRULY, IF THEY HAD BEEN MINDFUL OF THAT COUNTRY FROM WHENCE THEY CAME OUT, THEY MIGHT HAVE HAD OPPORTUNITY TO HAVE RETURNED. Do not look anymore at your flesh, at the country or people you came from when you first fell in love with Jesus. Keep your focus on your heavenly citizenship and identify.  Don't put your faith in America.  The "American dream" is not the dream you should be pursuing, rather, dream of a nation and a people welcoming and daily communing with the one true living God who made them for his pleasure. We are "they" who DESIRE A BETTER COUNTRY, THAT IS, AN HEAVENLY: WHEREFORE GOD IS NOT ASHAMED TO BE CALLED THEIR GOD: FOR HE HAS PREPARED FOR THEM A CITY.
     Let us not any longer be a people God is ashamed of. Let us not make hi  ashamed to be called our God. Let us not be lukewarm, more passionate for worldly riches for truly, he is the only treasure worth setting our hearts on. Part two soon.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Those who cannot love look for excuses for thier hate. Indeed, they wish their hate to be known as "love". Love and hate are both spiritual conditions: they have nothing to do with logic. The scriptures says "God is love". They also say "God is a Spirit", therefore,  love is spiritual. Hate, or the absence of love, is also spiritual. Satan is hate. All who do not fill themselves with God will become full of Satan, no exceptions.
In the end - all will choose one or the other.  They don't need a reason- it's a heart thing, though the hateful will try to justify themselves with logic. Those filled with the spirit of the anti-christ will hate and oppose all who are filled with the Holy Spirit.
Hate can be very subtle, well-disguised, not so blatant at times. Shunning and avoiding someone, not greeting them, not including them, talking about them behind their back. I look at the hateful ones like spiritual cripples - i pity them. I feel sorry for them. I try to heal their condition by loving them, the antidote for hate. By giving love in return for hate, perhaps, the God i know will pierce and gain access to their hardened hearts. May He soften their hearts by loving them through me.  I will not let their hate cause my love to "wax cold", but rather to increase.  The more they hate me, the more I'll love them in response.  Selah.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

The earth was formless and void
and so was your soul
Darkness covered the face of the Deep,
Your spirit's darkness was total and complete
But inyour darkness- there shone a light,
God's word                 shined bright.

"Let there be light"    and there was
and it's exactly the same today because
God changes not - He speaks still,
His word is just as powerful
today - it's fulfilling His will.

Yes, still He sends
His word on His wind
as on creation's first day.
All creation still listens to and obeys
whatever He says

(except men, who alone of all flesh can choose to disobey him)

"Let there be ___________________________you!"
Let there be light in the darkness of your soul!
Let the Holy Spirit as a wind blow
upon the face of your deep -
breathe,        breathe
The breath of life
inside your earth
Let there be a Divine birth
and you came to be
just as surely
as you did from your mommy and daddy
and God said
     "I'm glad you're here with me"

And he made a place
for believing and faith (heaven)
and you appeared
from out of the sea
of humanity -
Separated from them,
you're different from all other men
In you He plants His seed,
that you may give Him glory

So stand today in newness of life,
stand in your God's power and might.
Seek His Spirit's anointing like oil,
rest in His grace,  cease from your toils
and you will find, peace of mind -
as all you are,
       is healed by His scars
oh precious one
        called to forever
                             live among the stars

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...