Saturday, July 11, 2020

Those who cannot love look for excuses for thier hate. Indeed, they wish their hate to be known as "love". Love and hate are both spiritual conditions: they have nothing to do with logic. The scriptures says "God is love". They also say "God is a Spirit", therefore,  love is spiritual. Hate, or the absence of love, is also spiritual. Satan is hate. All who do not fill themselves with God will become full of Satan, no exceptions.
In the end - all will choose one or the other.  They don't need a reason- it's a heart thing, though the hateful will try to justify themselves with logic. Those filled with the spirit of the anti-christ will hate and oppose all who are filled with the Holy Spirit.
Hate can be very subtle, well-disguised, not so blatant at times. Shunning and avoiding someone, not greeting them, not including them, talking about them behind their back. I look at the hateful ones like spiritual cripples - i pity them. I feel sorry for them. I try to heal their condition by loving them, the antidote for hate. By giving love in return for hate, perhaps, the God i know will pierce and gain access to their hardened hearts. May He soften their hearts by loving them through me.  I will not let their hate cause my love to "wax cold", but rather to increase.  The more they hate me, the more I'll love them in response.  Selah.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...