Saturday, September 5, 2020

It's not how we rise but how we fall that separates pioneers from the rest - for when we fall, we must choose to land on God's promises. We land on the words spoken over us. We land on the marriage bed whereon God communes with us. So then, our failures become our greatest victories. The Cross looked like faolure to all who looked outwardly,  but inwardly it was the greatest victory ever known.

Some of you look like failures to everyone around you, but inwardly you are winning battle after battle! And your third day is on the way! When all will see the seeds you've sown sprout to the surface. So remember,  what is happening inside us is far more important than what is happening outside of us. All outward circumstances are used by God to form Christ in us more fully, more purely, more powerfully till nothing can defeat us - like Paul, we can be stoned, shipwrecked, abandoned and rejected of all men, and yet say "If i must needs glory, i will glory of the things which concern mine infirmities". He rejoiced in his sufferings! So should we, for we are privileged to partake in the fellowship of the sufferings of Christ. He died an agonizing death on our behalf, we should be willing to suffer for him. But he will never put us through more than we can bear. 

Many of Paul's teachings are watered down, diluted or non existent in many churches today, the result being a weak,nonconfrontational church that does more harm to each other than to Satan's kingdom. Make no mistake- each of us is in a battle for our souls and for the souls of others but when we battle, each of us must do more at the beginning- more fasting, more praying, more prophecying. It will get easier, meaning the victory will come but know this - the enemy's tactics are to sometimes feign defeat, withdraw, regroup, rally more forces, then, as you're gloating over your seeming victory,  attack you anew from your flank, from a direction you least expect. Some of my greatest victories have come just after defeats, i lost a battle but went on to win the war. Conversely,  some of my greatest defeats have come after mighty victories. Look at Israel, just after Jericho.

So don't let victories get you too high and don't let defeats get you too low. The key is to always be on guard, watching- "It will be good for those servants whose master finds them watching when he comes." Luke 12:37 Watching for enemy movement but watching also for the moving of God's Spirit. Move with the cloud, stop with the fire. 

Often, pioneers are on the front lines, battling for their own souls as well as the souls of their nation. They suffer the most on behalf of others. They make it much easier for others to follow Christ on the trail they blaze. Those on the front lines face the most opposition, they must be more stubborn than their enemy - REFUSE TO MOVE!!! Never back down, never give him ground, that ground is hard won, that ground is soaked in blood, the very blood shed by God in battle for your soul. No! Stand and resist till your enemy flees from you! In every battle,  you will see the salvation of your God, if you do not grow weary, if you do not faint. 

In every nation, there are princes of darkness, spiritual wickedness in high places. Ask God to expose them, to reveal them, for they can't be confronted till you know who they are. This is why Jesus demanded to know their names, as we shou7do also. They hate being brought into the light. But to win the souls of a nation, these master manipulators behind the scenes, the ones pulling the strings, must be exposed "to the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the Church the manifold wisdom of God, according to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord IN WHOM WE HAVE BOLDNESS and access WITH CONFIDENCE by the faith OF HIM!" When we access His faith we will never lose another battle.

Expect the principalities to fight back. Expect them to lose. You are the true "giant in the land", look at them as the grasshoppers they are. Guard family members, the enemy will try to attack you through them if he can't get to you directly. Guard them in prayer. Satan may try to turn them against you as Jesus prophecied (Mt:10:36). Or he may try to use them to speak Satan's counsel, not God's (Mt:16:23). Rebuke Satan but not the one he is using, when they are friends or family. But do stand firm inbwhat you know to be true. This Satanic voice, that urges us to avoid suffering, and dying for God, is common today. God exists to comfort and serve you, to pamper your flesh. Nothing could be further from the truth! He wants to comfort and deliver your soul unto Him, not so it can serve the whims and pleasures of your flesh. Start with fasting one day a week, befriend a homeless person, and feed them the meals you would have eaten. Literally arrange a place and time to meet them each week and feed them. Don't go cheap either. Steak is not out of the question. Treat them like you would want to be treated if you were in their shoes. Love you.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...