Wednesday, September 9, 2020

 Some thoughts as I sit at His feet.....

Jesus is my sound doctrine. My doctrines are not so much about what i know but who. He is who i believe in, not what i believe. Truth is a person. The Holy Spirit alone can "rightly divide" the Word of God for me, apart from Him i can understand nothing. The Holy Spirit teaches me all things, leads me and guides me into all truth. I care more about knowing Him than what He has to say to me, though His words are more precious to me than life itself.

Christopher Michael Tripp is the cocoon of who i was, not who i am, for the imago - my true self, whom God always intended me to be, to live, he must break free of who i was, he must live completely free of his old cocoon, the former life and identity that desires to remain my identity forever. I am who God says i am. I am who He has written on that white stone, known only by the two of us, like two lovers who create nicknames for each other, except my new name is my new, eternal identity. I am the name written in the Lamb's Book of Life - my true "birth certificate", not the one given to me by flesh. I thank God this cocoon is daily crumbling around me, the daily death of which Paul spoke. Whoever i was, I'm not him anymore. I'm Lazarus emerging from my tomb, I'm Peter, not Cephas, Paul not Saul, Abraham not Abram, Israel not Jacob, anymore. 

Lovest thou me more than these my child?

What will your answer be?

O precious Lord

I love Thee more than all of these -

More than fame.

More than wealth.

More than the world.

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