Sunday, October 4, 2020

 Everyone is trying so hard to live up to the image someone else told them they are. Homosexuals are desperately trying to be sodomites because someone told them they're gay. It may have been a demob, but someone convinced them they're gay. Black Americans are desperately trying to look and sound "black", whatever they've been taught that is. White, southern, Red Necks have an image they feel they must maintain- what to wear, what music to listen to, even what to drive. Democrats and Republicans both have clear cut philosophies they must agree to, that become they're identities. Every denomination has a look and feel that must be adhered to. They all have doctrines that must be believed. All of them want to become your identity, all want you to identify yourself as a (fill in the blank - white, southern, Presbyterian Republican, for example.)

My point is - all this is of the flesh. People have a deep rooted need to belong to a group, be it Italian, Korean or American. But when we are born of God, when we are born of his Spirit,  our fleshly identities fade away and our spiritual identity takes over. We are no longer who we were in the flesh. We are now made in the image of God, as we were originally meant to be. Our fleshly identity is no longer of any concern to us except as a means to reach lost souls. We no longer live our lives based on our flesh or anyone else's. Man looks on the outward appearance,  in other words, man looks at the flesh and bases everything on that, but God looks at the heart, in other words,  what spirit are you of? We too should look only at what spirit someone is walking in, not their flesh. Amen.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...