Thursday, December 31, 2020

Ode to 2020


Goodbye 2020 -

the year that, well, wasn't too funny.

I'll remember you for quite awhile, 

cause man, you were full of trials!

I lost a kidney.

But i gained deeper intimacy. 

Circumcision of the heart

is way more important than any body part!

Of course you brought the plague.

We all dealt with it in different ways.

Some got angry, really got mad.

Some just got closer to their heavenly dad.

I remember some good times,

as we're nearing your end -

I've met and enjoyed some precious new friends. 

I have to believe what i should  -

that all that's happened is for our good,

because our heavenly Father loves us so,

but 2020, man am i glad to see you go!!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

 The following is a prayer from Prophet Charles McCarthy. I suggest you pray it by faith from your heart to God's. 

Father, i ask You to cleanse me right now from every influence and every unclean thing that has come through my mother's family line or my father's family line going back 100 generations. I thank you Jesus for cutting off every curse. I forgive those people for the choices that they made that were not holy choices and i repent for them, for those sins in my blood line that gave access to the enemy to affect me or my children negatively. I renounce any witchcraft,  sorcery, spells or enchantments, anyone who sold their soul to the Devil, anything Father with deep roots in Masonic, or any other blood covenant society. I renounce those things now, i repent of them and i ask that they would cease from going forward any longer in my bloodline or that of my family. In the name of Jesus, i present myself, Lord, as an Abigail,  coming to meet you, so that destruction doesn't come on my house because of past wickedness. I thank you Lord for reversing those curses and anything in my belief system that has choked off faith or made it hard to believe because of what has been passed down to me. I repent of intellectualism or walking in the wisdom of man, especially in my own efforts - instead of walking in the freedom of Christ, who has set me free and blessed me with every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus.  Lord, i thank you that i  am delivered now from any of those things that were binding me. I declare freedom in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth who came in the flesh. I command the doors to be closed now and never to be open again  in Your name Jesus,  amen. Thank You Father.

If you would like to donate to Charles, his ministry is called Spirit and Truth Ministries. His ministry can be found on Facebook, Youtube and he has a website. 

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

        Revelation from the Holy Spirit is like medicine in that it must be taken in small doses, daily. It must be received, swallowed, if you will. We must not overwhelm spiritual infants with meat, (unless the Holy Spirit wants to), but typically  babies cannot receive meat (mature doctrine) - it needs to be digested by us teachers, chewed into small pieces, then regurgitated in a form they can swallow. 

       So those of us who are mature  must be aware of the recipients of our teaching ministry  - we must constantly seek the Holy Spirit  - urging him to adjust our words to suit the hearer. Even Jesus did not give the full understanding of the revelation he was receiving from the Father by his Spirit,  he waited till he was alone with his heart-picked Apostles before giving understanding of the knowledge he was sharing.  Remember- everyone that listens is not always hearing. Everyone that listens is not always seeking truth. This is why Jesus said to his disciples, when they asked him why he spoke in parables - "Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given". 


       To his disciples,  to those who are wholeheartedly focused on him, on following him, on getting as close to him as possible,  he says - "BUT BLESSED ARE YOUR EYES (of understanding) FOR THEY SEE; AND YOURBEARS, FOR THEY HEAR....FOR MANY PROPHETS AND RIGHTEOUS MEN HAVE DESIRED TO SEE WHICH YOU SEE AND TO HEAR WHICH YOU HEAR AND HAVE NOT SEEN OR HEARD THEM". 

       Even for the very elect - the mightiest of Apostles, there are times when they do not understand what it is Jesus is doing, till much later - " WHAT I DO THOU KNOWEST NOT NOW; BUT THOU SHALT KNOW HEREAFTER".  Always take heart and be encouraged,  dear brother or sister in Christ - that if you continue to seek him with all your heart - if you continue to "walk and talk" with him as you continue your life's journey, this will be said of you too - "THEN OPENED HE THEIR UNDERSTANDING, THAT THEY MIGHT UNDERSTAND THE SCRIPTURES".  It is Jesus himself and no man who opens the eyes of our understanding. It is only by personally fellowshipping with him that true understanding comes - not by sitting in a pew week after week - for when we personally sup with him, in our singleness of heart, he will tailor our understanding,  he will personally choose the revelation WE need at that particular time in our lives. He will minister to us as an apostle,  when we need him so, or a prophet if that's what we need at that moment. Or as a teacher, etc.

       One sermon, once a week, to the masses is a hit or miss proposition because everyone is inba different place, different levels of maturity,  different heart conditions, though, when the Holy Spirit is teaching- he can anoint the hearts of all present so that all receive from him what they need, from one sermon. This happens when the speaker and hearer are both in one accord - one Spirit,  one Faith, one Baptism - one Father above all, in all, and through all. Take also this promise to heart - "UNTO YOU THAT HEAR SHALL MORE BE GIVEN"

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

 Have you captured God's heart?

Many have found Him, but once you do, then what do you do with Him?

He's already in love with us, most know this - but it's how we respond to his love that makes Him increase in passion, moving heaven and earth on our behalf,  causing the sun to stand still while He fights our enemies along side us. He'll  part the sea, so we can escape the wrath of our enemy - removing nations who come between us and Him, writing us love sonnets.

So what have you done to capture His heart? He's done so much to capture yours! 

Sing to Him as passionately as worldly lovers sing to each other - "If I can't have you, i don't want nobody, baby".... " How deep is your love, I really need to learn" .... "You know it's you, Lord, whenever i get weary and I've had enough, feel like giving up"

Write Him personal songs and love poems, from your heart to His, He loves this! He really does - He told me so. You'll capture His heart - He can be romanced - H really can! He's actually very romantic, which is why He hates religion. Religions teach people to keep their distance from Him, and put their pastor or priest berween them and God.

Communion, after all, is a romantic dinner between Him and His bride - Communion is an invitation to intimacy,  "co-union", between us and God. Intimacy is God saying "Into Me, see?" It's God saying - let's enter one another, as lovers do, I in you and you in Me, by mutual invitation and consent.

Let me ask you this - what's the difference between a lover and a close friend? Physical intimacy- which is exactly what God wants - to dwell in our flesh, walking and talking with us daily here on earth, while simultaneously dwelling with us in His Spirit in heaven.

So, we are to become as two lovers entering into one another and becoming one, as male and female were one in Adam, so are we to become one in Jesus, our second Adam. Did not Jesus pray that we would become one as he is one? He wants us to dwell in intimacy with each other, spiritually, to model the intimacy the three members of the Godhead share. 

This is why He will one day say to some - "Depart from Me, I never knew you". Sure I knew all about you, but you never became My lover. You kept your distance. You met each week with a shallow version of Me, void of intimacy.  You went to your church faithfully but you were never faithful to Me. You obeyed your pastor but you disobeyed Me. At times you even prayed earnestly- your soul was moved with passion  but not your heart. To you I say depart, you who said to Me, depart. I'm giving you in the next life what you desired in this one - to be apart from Me. 

Dear one, it's not too late to become more intimate with Him than you are right now. Deep is calling unto Deep - answer Him! Yes! I want to grow in intimacy with You Lord! I want to cleave to you as a husband and wife cleave to one another. I want to hold nothing back from You! I know You held nothing back from me but gave Your all on that tree. Rise up, my love, my fair one  and come away! Come apart with me, into a desert place. You are all fair my love, there is no spot in thee! My beloved is mine and i am his! Come into my garden, my sister, my spouse, my dove, my undefiled! Oh my beloved, your desire is towards me! Set me as a seal upon thine heart. Make haste my beloved! 

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

 As long as Jesus was giving, blessing, forgiving - 

Oh how he was the toast of the town!

Everyone loved him and followed him around

But as soon as he required something in return,

As soon as he told them "follow me or burn"

As soon as he said "Sell all you have and give it away"

they quit listening to what he had to say...

And what about his "followers" today?

Have we not created a Christianity  of comfort, carnality and leisure?

Where we've replaced suffering with pleasure?

After all, Jesus suffered so we don't have to.

He died that bloody death,

to give  us an abundance of things and money that we might have happiness. 

"They that shall live godly lives in Christ Jesus shall suffer"

has been amended to read

 "They that will follow Jesus will never suffer or bleed"

and yet every single Apostle suffered tremendously-

gladly, joyfully, enduring pain and shame,

all for the glory of THE GREATEST NAME.

O my people!  Hear my plea!

Let us all return to true Christianity!

Let us be willing to suffer indignities,

even pain, even death,

That we might awaken and rescue many, many more

with the power of his anointed breath,

in us and upon us.

He died for us -


 The love of God        is so rich and so pure On His love I can depend        of this I am sure. The love with which        He rules from H...