Monday, January 25, 2021

 You have made us for Your pleasure 

You have made us for our good

We are Your lasting treasure 

Now, through love, we've understood,

we should make haste

to seek Your face,

for in Your embrace 

we're eternally safe.

You are love

Beside You there is no other source,

no other recourse.....

You touch each part of our beings,

so lovingly, so tenderly,  so completely, 

without malice or intent to harm

Oh Lord! We're safe in Your loving arms...

Spirit, soul and body -

You love us in totality.

Our tongues will not cease confessing-

all things work together for our blessing.....

Sunday, January 17, 2021

 So I'm driving along old highway 98, going back to where it all began for me , in the Panhandle of N.W. Florida,  back to C.I. - "Christian International", where I arrived all bright eyed and full of hope for my future, excited to join the company of prophets God had seen fit to bless me with, for teaching and training, way back in the winter of 1989, New Year's Eve to be exact. So much has happened since that naive young man of 25 arrived on this very road 32 years ago. Back then, i used tp pull over and visit the Fire Towers on occasion- i knew that the rangers would let me climb to the top if i asked them politely. I also knew that when i saw the "Watch Tower" along the right side of the road, i would be real close to the entrance to C.I.

As the tower came into sight, i unexpectedly received a word from the Lord - He showed me that we all need a fire tower in our lives - we all need someone to watch over us, to spot signs of enemy activity- we need someone close enough to us that they can taste it when our fruit is rotting.  They can smell the stench of the enemy when he's near, they can see his handiwork,  in our attitude or demeanor, or in our words. 

We all need to stamp out the fires the enemy starts in our souls while they're small. It's much harder to put out an entire forest on fire then one tree. This person we need, is almost never our pastor for he usually does not have the time or inclination to get close enough to us. It's usually our spouse or children  or boss or co-worker whom God will use to point out to us areas in our souls coming under the enemy's influence. We need to know when we're  LUI - "Living Under the Influence"  of the enemy, or our flesh and not His Spirit.

Friday, January 8, 2021

 The Cross is on their roofs,

but notbin their hearts.

They don't desire truth

in their inward parts.

They pray for their will to be done, not Mine.

They trample underfoot My bread and My wine.

Their agenda is clear -

They want Me far away, not near.

But lo! I draw close,

saith The Lord of Hosts,

and My judgments ride withbMe.

Soon all men will see -

I am not well represented by "Christianity"

My disciples, My beloved, faithful ones,

those who bear the mark of My Son,

full of My Spirit, full of My zeal,

will no longer remain hidden

for soon I'll reveal,

To all who love darkness,

to their everlasting shame and defeat,

they'll see how I reward

those in love with Me.

Friday, January 1, 2021

Prophetic insight to 2021


Hey! So you got knocked off your high horse!

Hey! So your life's been put on another course.

So.....why is there still so much pride in you?

Ya still got some humblin' to do!

For I will make low the proud,

I will resist them dont you doubt!

I am against every haughty look,

don't believe Me? Just take a look in My Book!

So in 2021 I'll continue to expose,

the proud and the wicked and all those

who hate the very mention of My name -

Behold! I am coming in 2021 to rearrange 

              and cleanse, and renew,

             and give new hope to

              those who despair

             in spite of My tender care

Oh you of little faith!

You've been taught to doubt and hesitate,

not with your mouth but with your heart - 

Religion teaches you to love in part.

Faith is the substance of things hoped for,

the evidence of things not seen.

Faith is the fruit of drawing near to Me.

Increased faith is what you desperately need,

ere the Gospel in you becomes wasted seed....

Fear not what man can do to you -

Have I not said , I am always with you?

This year I will continue to 

resist the proud and lift up the humble-

who are highly exalted in My sight,

in this and in the next life.

Some will think they have won, in 2021,

but will lose their souls forev,

thinking they are so clever. 

Deception is their poisoned bread,

commune with them and you're dead.

Stay the course! Stand your ground!

Don't you ever back down,

or turn around 

And in you will be heard the glorious sound

of My voice - setting the captives free,

Oh My dear ones - stay close to Me,

for only in Me is peace and safety.

I am the calm in the midst of the storm,

I am the One who keeps you warm.

Remember that I said these things must come to pass,

before the end will come, at last.

       With all the love in My heart,

                            Jesus of Nazareth 

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...