Tuesday, June 29, 2021

 I received this back on March 1st - 

Early this morning, again,  second night in a row, The Spirit of the Lord spoke to me. He began with just one word - "Hibernation". I know His voice when He whispers to me, so I immediately got out of bed and began to write -

                                          THUS SAITH THE LORD - 

       Much of My Church has been in hibernation. They have been slumbering - hiding in caves of comfort, while the world is set on fire of Hell - I SAY NOW - 

                                                ARISE FROM YOUR SLEEP!

It is high time to go into all the world, that is to say, all you know in your world, all you meet daily, and preach the gospel of My kingdom,  for it is life and salvation  to all who receive it.
You know this well - yet you've slumbered while your enemy has been diligent. 
       Awake I say! For the persecution,  the trials and tribulations to come are not for the faint of heart. You must not continue to dwell in caves, the caves you call churches, isolated from one another, where you are made so comfortable it's easy to sleep, and indeed - many pastors treat you like the babes you are - putting you to sleep - for it is much easier to control a sleeping child than one that's arisen.

Hypocrites! Have I not told you, clearly, without malice, Let My People Go!?
Let them arise and be doing! Let them go into all the world, yet you hoard them like gold pieces, you collect them like trophies to be displayed before your fellow pastors, like prizes won and kept, like stuffed animals in a trophy room. You will soon see what it means when I say I will abase the proud but exalt the humble. Is your heart pricked? Is your conscience seared as with a hot iron, as I speak this way to you? Good! Let these words pierce your heart like a hook on the end of a fishing line, that I may pull you here close to Me, where I've desired you to be ever since we met. 
But that seductress, that Babylonion whore, tempted you with her garish ways, with her focus on the outward appearance at the cost of your souls. She tempted you to follow her ways, to be taught of her, to become whores like unto her, and how easily you succumbed - your flesh is so weak - which is why I crucified it in My Son, so that the same flesh that was your grave may now become an empty tomb like My Son's,.

For My resurrection life to flow in you, My sons, you must die daily to your will, your ways and your words.

                                                               Let My People Go!
                                       Let them rise from their slumber - NOW!

I say this through My Apostles. 
I say this through My Prophets. 
All over the world My true prophets and apostles are calling you to awaken  while the false continue to sing lullabye's to you - the asleep leading the sheep, causing them to sleep also, always dreaming but never doing -
            Go out from among them, My people,  leave their nursery's, become the mature sons daughters I desire - for only the mature will endure to the end, saith your Lord and your Savior, who ever lives to make intercession for you - You are as precious to Me as anyone you read about in My word - did they not suffer? I challenge you to find a single example of one who did not suffer in My word. You can't.
Stop avoiding suffering,  for it is My will that you suffer for righteousness' sake. It is My will that you bear their pain, their shame and their blame - as I did for you on My Cross - this is what it means to pick up your cross daily and follow Me, you love them who hate you, who despitefully use you, who desire your death.
       You love them even as you come out from among them. You leave your cradle because you've outgrown it. You go forth out of Babylon weepimg for joy because your reward is great.

Father, open our eyes now to discern what spirit we are of - both ourselves and others - all who claim to belong to You. May we see clearly who is Yours and who is not. Thank You for your word today and everyday......Your words are my daily manna by which I live. Selah.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...