Monday, November 22, 2021

 We need servants who lead and leaders who serve, who do not require everyone around them to serve them but rather to serve Christ. We need men who are disciples of Christ who are teaching others to be his disciples also - by example. We do not need men who preach what they themselves do not practice.  We need men who lay their lives down for the flock - not require the flock to lay their lives down for them. We need godly men like Charles McCarthy, called by God to minister- not hirelings. We need men not motivated by a desire for personal wealth or glory - but who will give all glory and gain to God.

We need men who are holy and righteous inwardly, not just outwardly - who love truth and exalt truth in their own hearts, not just their mouths, whose speech is seasoned with salt, who make peace instead of sowing discord among the brethren, who will not tolerate Jezebel, or any other spirit of Satan but will cast him out of the temple - let him dwell in the swine, those who are unclean, but he will not possess those who come to Christ, seeking Christ, not just what Christ can do for them but also what they can do for him. We need men clothed with humility, who have laid down their armor of pride and let the Lord deep inside.     


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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...