Tuesday, November 16, 2021

I am

The Bread and the Wine
The consecrated robes
to guide us through time
to our eternal abode
As we embrace 
as we seek His face
He breathes intobus again 
Our clay, softened by His tears
Our souls shaped by His hands
As we know Him
and He knows us
We are ressurected 
by His loving touch
And death is an empty threat,
an empty grave, far from torment 
For the love of our Father
has found each lost lamb
that each lost soul
may say too - "I am"
I am loved!
I am healed!
I am sanctified 
and i am sealed!
I am kept!
I am clean!
I am delivered
from Satan's schemes,
for i am redeemed!
I am my beloved's 
and He is mine!
I am His beyond
death and time!
I am His Bride,
I am justified!
I am transformed 
by the renewing of my mind!
I am His temple here on this earth.
He is my tabernacle in heaven,
my pearl of great worth!
He is my lamb,
my sacraficial king,
He is my hope in all things,
and though i may faint,
grow weary and weak,
still my heart pants
for the One that i seek.
As water is to my thirsty flesh,
so my soul drinks His words,
that i may confess

           I am as He is
            He's forever mine, I'm forever His.....

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...