Monday, November 1, 2021

 I saw Him approaching 
and I instantly knew.....
He was vastly different 
from me and you.
His eyes stood out
more than anything else, 
and He had a crowd following -
too many to tell.
What's this?
Can it really be?
He's approaching me?
I'm a nobody,  a cripple,
no one's ever interested in me.
So why is this man stopping 
and gazing at me so intensely?
What did He just say?
Will I be made whole today?
Impossible! Why bother?
I have no man to carry me
down to the water.
Don't disturb me with anymore of your silly talk -
What? Rise, take up my bed and walk?
What's this I'm feeling? 
Oh my God! My body's healing! 
I can walk! I can run!
Oh my God - thank You for what You've done!

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...