Thursday, October 28, 2021

Question:  Is it possible for a church to welcome Jesus but not the Holy Spirit? If so, are they by proxy rejecting the Father, since it's His spirit they are rejecting? Is this possible? Are they deluding themselves? If they receive Jesus but not the Holy Spirit  have they really received Him? Can they go to Heaven? Are they really saved? Could a demon disguise itself and call itself "Jesus"? 

The Holy Spirit is such an integral part of our identity as "Christians" - in fact, the very word "Christ" means "the Anointed One" (of God) - anointed with the Holy Spirit.  Many, many scriptures testify of his role in our lives. We cannot become his sons and daughters without him. Jesus testified he would leave so the Holy Spirit would then come to us. 

Some denominations claim they get the Holy Spirit when they're born again, but they deny his presence,  his anointing,  his gifts. When Jesus says "not everyone that says to me Lord, Lord" - when He says "depart from Me I never knew you", could He mean that they were Christians who followed  him in name only, intellectually,  but never let him dwell inside them, as Lord? For He "knows" us by His Spirit,  doesn't he? Could these "Christians" follow a religion built around the name "Jesus" but it's all an outward show, not an inner reality? Just asking......

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...