Saturday, December 11, 2021

Kingdom vs. Kingdumb


In my ongoing effort to point out there is a huge difference between God's Kingdom on earth and the false religion men call Christianity....I've decided to compare the two by asking you the question: Is it Kingdom or Kingdumb? Feelnfree to add to the list by commenting below with examples of your own....

One man in charge deciding all that takes place in every service: KINGDUMB
The Holy Spirit in complete control of every service, start to finish: KINGDOM

Telling people how much to give and when to give and taking up offerings during every gathering: KINGDUMB
Letting people give as the Holy Spirit leads them, when and how much, and only taking offerings when the Holy Spirit instructs us to, for the reasons he instructs us to: KINGDOM

Focusing every service on doctrine, on knowledge, on teaching....constantly talking about God or his Word but never encountering him: You guessed it KINGDUMB

Focusing every service on knowing Christ, and encountering him (there i am in the midst of you....therefore the miraculous is in the midst of us) : KINGDOM

Getting offended by someone and going behind their back to everyone but them, telling them what they did to offend you: KINGDUMB
Getting offended by someone and going to them and discussing it privately....with love in a spirit of gentleness and,meekness: KINGDOM!

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...