Sunday, January 30, 2022

Man's exaltation and worship of man part three

Keep this in mind - being real, being who you are meant by God to be - will make the actors very uncomfortable.  Reading from the script the Holy Spirit gives you will cause those reading from Satan's script to despise you, persecute you, even attempt to kill you (or at least your ministry) believing they're doing God a favor. To live the Truth while others are living a lie will eventually get you crucified (or lead some into freedom) but if you've voluntarily crucified the lie in you - if you've died to it already,  all they can ever crucify is your body,  and only then if God allows it. If you crucify the truth in you instead of the lie, then the world will love you and leave you alone, but God will say to you who refuse to forsake the world, "Depart from me, i never knew you" - Truth never knew you. Truth knocked at the door of your heart but you chose to live a lie - to be an actor, to pretend to be someone you weren't,  to say you were a Christian, a follower of Christ but you really weren't.  

You may have lived a lie for so long you're not sure who you really are.  Ask God, he will tell you. He will reveal yourself to you. He will answer when deep calls out to deep - your spirit crying out to his. He will strip you naked then lovingly wrap you in his heart for you, his idea of who you really are. He will reveal to your heart (than later your mind), your purpose for life, why he created you not just who. As he speaks to you heart to heart, you'll learn to recognize his voice in others - they will confirm  and affirm what He's already spoken to you - and your heart will swell with love and a reason for living - not for yourself anymore but the one who made you. The more you hear his voice, the more easily you'll recognize the enemy's.  You'll learn to spot his lies more quickly- before his fiery darts can enter in too deeply and wound you - "you're a failure", "you'll never amount to anything", "i hate you", "try it, you'll like it, a little never hurt anybody". 

Some lies people speak to us  are more subtle,  even benign - they may not be meaning to hurt us. They may even speak lies to us out of love, who they think we are or should be (like Peter did to Jesus), but it can still be the opposite of who God says we are. How many prophets or apostles have become pastors because that's what their denomination told them they are? How many "career women" never became full-time mothers because the women's lib movement frowned on that as if it was a shameful thing? How many full-time mothers never pursued a career because they were told not to by their husbands? The point is - be who God desires you to be. Don't act like someone you're not.  Don't pretend to have the anointing when you don't.  Don't copy someone else's speech or mannerisms, trying to mimic their anointing. Don't buy dime store gold glitter and spread it around and say it's  a "sign from heaven" (this happened). Don't try to impress people who look upon the outward appearance- try to please God, who looks on the heart. Don't give a prophecy if you haven't heard from God (soulish vs. spiritual). 

There are false versions of every true ministry God has ordained - Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Teachers and Pastors. Do not be one or follow one. False that is. Do not let Satan speak to you through anyone. If you hear his voice in a btother or sister, or anyone close to you, rebuke him, not your brother. Let them know they allowed Satan to get ahold of their tongue momentarily. Rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn. Don't try to get those who are mourning to pretend they're not, or vice versa. Let everyone be real, who they really are, in an atmosphere so filled with love that they'll become comfortable letting their guard down. Help them remove their masks, finally letting their true, inner man show, knowing they are always accepted in the Beloved. 

Monday, January 24, 2022

Man's worship of man part two

Religion makes it possible,  even easy, to do all things in His name without even knowing Him. His word and His name become religious excersises in which His presence is not required - or desired, where pseudo saints are pretending to know Him, pretending to follow Him, when in reality, they're acting. Churches who do not fellowship with the Holy Spirit are walking in the same spirit as the world  - which is at enmity with God.

A family man surrounds himself with a wife and kids - acting like something he's not- a faithful husband.  Meanwhile, he's sneaking around practising adultery - or he's pretending to be a happily married husband of a beautiful woman but secretly he's a homosexual. Many act like they're happy when they're not- How are you? I'm fine - when inside, they're weeping.  There are many tears shed in the heart that never reach the eye. Actors are adept at sharing false emotions. Some pretend to love their job but really hate it. Some pretend they're happy with their in-laws, but inwardly despise them.

The point is, we all learn fairly on in life how to act, how to present an outward appearance to the world that does not match our inward reality. So we're subconsciously attracted to and comfortable with people who openly act for a living - it validates our own hypocrisy.  We love to hear gossip or scandals on the news where people's secret sins - hidden affairs are exposed. We feel normal, and at times superior - hey! We didn't get caught! It comforts us to watch other people pretend to be someone they're not because we're doing it ourselves.  It comforts us to hear people speaking words they read in a script - words they were told to speak by someone else. 

Satan's words can be heard every day on the evening news, or read on blogs or heard in movies, TV shows, or on the radio.  These days, people around the world are assaulted, bombarded daily, with words. Most of them, 99% are from Satan, who is the god of this world.  We saints are in the world but not of it. Worldly people dutifully spout his lies day in and day out, believing they are truth, yet for many of us, deep down inside us, beneath the many false facades we've crafted to hide behind, we long to be real. We long to be who God created us to be. To be simply little children without a care invthe world, playing and laughing and satisfied and content with simply being in the presence of our Father who loves u, knowing we're completely safe because we've never known harm of any kind, in His presence.  Why do movies, stories about real life events and people touch us so deeply? It's because they're portraying truth - as we long to do, somewhere deep inside. We long to throw away our fig leaves, strip away all the layers of lies we've wrapped ourselves in and get down to our very core - who we were as infants, who we were when God knew us before we were born the second time in our mother's womb. We long to be who we really are - not who Satan says we are, creatures of flesh rather than spiritual beings having a human experience. 

There's a quote from Oscar Wilde i love - "Be yourself, everyone else is taken". Stop trying to be someone you're not - who your mom or dad said you are, or some other adult. Or who your pastor or some other Christian says you are - or even who your wife or husband says you are. Jesus warned us that the members of our own family can become our enemies. Satan used those closest to Jesus to try to hurt him, to try to get Jesus to doubt who the Father said he was, to question his own identity and destiny - NO! Be who God says you are, what God says you are by HIS SPIRIT! Listen to His voice and his voice alone in the mouths of out people full of His Spirit speaking as his oracles. Learn to recognize his voice so when you hear it not, do not take heed. 

Part three soon

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Man's worship of man pt. 1

       We've grown so accustomed to watching actors in our modern society that we easily emulate them ourselves.  We spend so much of our precious time watching TV shows and movies - watching people pretend to be someone they're not - that it seems normal when we do the same. And when we become actors, when we pretend to be someone we're not,  we end up praising and applauding those we pay to do it, who do it openly, publicly, without pretense, who admit they're actors. 
       They award themselves for being the best ar pretending to be someone they're not and we exalt and reward them too, with our time, attention and money. An entire industry revolves around them - with thousands of people earning their livlihood creating shows depicting actors. Magazines,  books, and TV shows are dedicated to gossip about actors - watching their every move, hanging on to every word they say. Who are they dating now? Who cares? Evidently plenty of people.  Actors are America's version of royalty. Our society highly esteems and honors actors partly because we ourselves are all actors living a lie and partly because it is in mankind to commit idolatry - spiritual adultery.  It is our natural state of existence in our fallen state both to lie and committ idolatry. An idol is any person or thing regarded with blind admiration,  adoration or devotion. A loose definition of an idol is anyone or anything  we give our time, affection and money to - that we don't need to. Though, our devotion to and admiration of our idols isn't blind, we do it with eyes wide open. We openly admit we're doing it, with shows like " American Idol". 

       In truth, it's ourselves we worship and idolize. We're obsessed with our own image and all we can accomplish on our own apart from Christ. We're in love with ourselves not God - our Creator. The created worships itself while denying they're created. This is the ultimate lie - I am god, or a god, in and of myself. This is the ultimate acting role, only we're not on camera. Well, not on any camera man has made - God is watching and recording all of it. Actually,  millions of us take pictures and videos of ourselves every day. Look at Facebook or Youtube, for example. We love our own image! We devote our lives to watching ourselves.  Show me a single magazine without a human's picture in it. You can't,  can you? Show me a movie or TV show without a human in it - again,  nigh impossible.  See? We're obsessed! Even with the sound of our own voices. We're obsessed with what we've done, what we've accomplished.

       Even in churches we'd rather worship our understanding of God than God Himself.  We give God purpose and meaning - without us He is nothing. Or so says religious Christianity.  He is here, He exists to serve us. This is our definition of love - to serve, right? Isn't that how your worth to your local church is defined? Isn't your tithe defined as your greatest act of service? Jesus denounced the actors of his xay "do not your alms before men to be seen of them, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues (churches) and in the streets  that they may have glory of men. And when you pray, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are  for they love to pray standing in the churches.....that they may be seen of men" 

       Here is a truth about actors - they love to be seen of men. They love the attention and the adoration of men, the glory. The root word of "hypocrite" is actor! Churches love this! They love to do the opposite of Jesus' instructions . They make an open show, a public display, of prayer and the giving of offerings. It's often actiing of the highest quality - it's saying to all - look how godly i am! I am a true follower of Christ! See? I'm giving my money to God (but it's the church who ends up with it). Listen to my prayer. These are the ones who will stand before Jesus for the first time and say "did we not do all this in your name"? And He will answer " depart from Me I never knew you" if that seat of judgement is the first time you meet Jesus than it will also be the last. 

Friday, January 14, 2022

Facts are facts part 4


Churches where God's presence is absent, where he never moves among them, where he's never seen, heard or felt, develope doctrinal excuses for the absence of God's anointing. They twist scripture to excuse their condition. They love themselves more than they love truth. Anyone who falls in love with truth, thst is to say, with Jesus, will, indeed must, leave them. They must follow and obey the Holy Spirit- "but the Comforter, the Holy Ghost, will teach you all things, and shall bring to your remembrance whatsoever I HAVE SAID to you (not what man has said about me, or what men have said i said, not doctrines of men and devils). But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send to you from the Father, he shall testify of me - for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now because you are still infants in your understanding,  unable to receive strong meat. Hence - in order to receive all i have to say to you - you must receive the Holy Spirit of promise- for he will guide you into all truth; and he will show you things to come. Prophecy is vital to our spiritual well-being. We simply must be able to hear our Father's voice to become who he has raised us to be. 

Every word Jesus spoke he heard from the Father - and we should strive for this intimacy also - that we may do (only) what we see the Father doing and say (only) what we hear him saying. An ambassador does not speak whatever he believes or wants to say, no, he conveys the words of his superiors. He doescnot follow his own agenda but faithfully keeps the agenda of whomever authorized him to speak on their behalf. Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us (beseech: to make an urgent appeal). We too must say with Jesus "i have not spoken of myself but the Father which sent me, he gave me a commandment, what i should say and what i should do". 

We should always endeavor to speak only what he tells us to, for his words they are Spirit and they are life. This is my continual heart's prayer, that i would always write and speak what He gives me to say, no more and no less. And i want to testify with Jesus, for it is truth - "the Son can do nothing of himself but what he sees the Father do. For whatsoever things he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise". Is it not true, that all we learn as children, we learn from our mother's and father's? Daughters especially learn from mothers how to be women and sons learn from fathers how to be men? Picture Jesus at Joseph's side, learning the carpenter's trade. Now picture him at his heavenly Father's side, learning how to be his son - for we can only go as far as our Father takes us. Children can only do what their parents allow them to. Now put yourself in Jesus' shoes and walk in them for awhile and know this, oh daughter or son of the Most High- the Father loves the Son (all his sons, whenever and wherever they may be found) and sheweth him (them) all things that he himself doeth, and he will shew him (us) greater works that ye (we) may marvel. Forget Marvel movies, as much as I've enjoyed them, they're all made up characters and stories, while God's characters and stories are all real. They really exist, they really happened and they're really happening today! 

"Brethren, be not children in understanding; howbeit in malice be children, but in understanding be men." 

"If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God, if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth - that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, To whom be praise and dominion, forever and ever. Amen."

Monday, January 10, 2022

 Last night at Freedom Church here in South Korea,  as we were caught up in the Spirit in prayer and Intercession- i heard this from the Lord...

I HAD TO REMOVE TRUMP BECAUSE THEY MADE AN IDOL OUT OF HIM. They were speaking his name more than Mine -
No man can save you - haven't you learned this by now? Have I not said do not put your trust in men? Even men I raise up for My plans and purposes? Get your eyes off flesh! Put them on Me, in the Spirit,  where they belong, and I will reveal My plan of salvation for your people long lost. I will send My Moses', I will send My Joseph's,  only do not put your faith in them for it is I who sent them. They are to point you to Me and Me alone, never themselves.  False saviors will bask in your glory and attention.  True instruments sent by Me will always direct your worship and adoration to Me, where it belongs, for I alone deserve it.

 The love of God        is so rich and so pure On His love I can depend        of this I am sure. The love with which        He rules from H...