Religion makes it possible, even easy, to do all things in His name without even knowing Him. His word and His name become religious excersises in which His presence is not required - or desired, where pseudo saints are pretending to know Him, pretending to follow Him, when in reality, they're acting. Churches who do not fellowship with the Holy Spirit are walking in the same spirit as the world - which is at enmity with God.
A family man surrounds himself with a wife and kids - acting like something he's not- a faithful husband. Meanwhile, he's sneaking around practising adultery - or he's pretending to be a happily married husband of a beautiful woman but secretly he's a homosexual. Many act like they're happy when they're not- How are you? I'm fine - when inside, they're weeping. There are many tears shed in the heart that never reach the eye. Actors are adept at sharing false emotions. Some pretend to love their job but really hate it. Some pretend they're happy with their in-laws, but inwardly despise them.
The point is, we all learn fairly on in life how to act, how to present an outward appearance to the world that does not match our inward reality. So we're subconsciously attracted to and comfortable with people who openly act for a living - it validates our own hypocrisy. We love to hear gossip or scandals on the news where people's secret sins - hidden affairs are exposed. We feel normal, and at times superior - hey! We didn't get caught! It comforts us to watch other people pretend to be someone they're not because we're doing it ourselves. It comforts us to hear people speaking words they read in a script - words they were told to speak by someone else.
Satan's words can be heard every day on the evening news, or read on blogs or heard in movies, TV shows, or on the radio. These days, people around the world are assaulted, bombarded daily, with words. Most of them, 99% are from Satan, who is the god of this world. We saints are in the world but not of it. Worldly people dutifully spout his lies day in and day out, believing they are truth, yet for many of us, deep down inside us, beneath the many false facades we've crafted to hide behind, we long to be real. We long to be who God created us to be. To be simply little children without a care invthe world, playing and laughing and satisfied and content with simply being in the presence of our Father who loves u, knowing we're completely safe because we've never known harm of any kind, in His presence. Why do movies, stories about real life events and people touch us so deeply? It's because they're portraying truth - as we long to do, somewhere deep inside. We long to throw away our fig leaves, strip away all the layers of lies we've wrapped ourselves in and get down to our very core - who we were as infants, who we were when God knew us before we were born the second time in our mother's womb. We long to be who we really are - not who Satan says we are, creatures of flesh rather than spiritual beings having a human experience.
There's a quote from Oscar Wilde i love - "Be yourself, everyone else is taken". Stop trying to be someone you're not - who your mom or dad said you are, or some other adult. Or who your pastor or some other Christian says you are - or even who your wife or husband says you are. Jesus warned us that the members of our own family can become our enemies. Satan used those closest to Jesus to try to hurt him, to try to get Jesus to doubt who the Father said he was, to question his own identity and destiny - NO! Be who God says you are, what God says you are by HIS SPIRIT! Listen to His voice and his voice alone in the mouths of out people full of His Spirit speaking as his oracles. Learn to recognize his voice so when you hear it not, do not take heed.
Part three soon
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