Sunday, January 30, 2022

Man's exaltation and worship of man part three

Keep this in mind - being real, being who you are meant by God to be - will make the actors very uncomfortable.  Reading from the script the Holy Spirit gives you will cause those reading from Satan's script to despise you, persecute you, even attempt to kill you (or at least your ministry) believing they're doing God a favor. To live the Truth while others are living a lie will eventually get you crucified (or lead some into freedom) but if you've voluntarily crucified the lie in you - if you've died to it already,  all they can ever crucify is your body,  and only then if God allows it. If you crucify the truth in you instead of the lie, then the world will love you and leave you alone, but God will say to you who refuse to forsake the world, "Depart from me, i never knew you" - Truth never knew you. Truth knocked at the door of your heart but you chose to live a lie - to be an actor, to pretend to be someone you weren't,  to say you were a Christian, a follower of Christ but you really weren't.  

You may have lived a lie for so long you're not sure who you really are.  Ask God, he will tell you. He will reveal yourself to you. He will answer when deep calls out to deep - your spirit crying out to his. He will strip you naked then lovingly wrap you in his heart for you, his idea of who you really are. He will reveal to your heart (than later your mind), your purpose for life, why he created you not just who. As he speaks to you heart to heart, you'll learn to recognize his voice in others - they will confirm  and affirm what He's already spoken to you - and your heart will swell with love and a reason for living - not for yourself anymore but the one who made you. The more you hear his voice, the more easily you'll recognize the enemy's.  You'll learn to spot his lies more quickly- before his fiery darts can enter in too deeply and wound you - "you're a failure", "you'll never amount to anything", "i hate you", "try it, you'll like it, a little never hurt anybody". 

Some lies people speak to us  are more subtle,  even benign - they may not be meaning to hurt us. They may even speak lies to us out of love, who they think we are or should be (like Peter did to Jesus), but it can still be the opposite of who God says we are. How many prophets or apostles have become pastors because that's what their denomination told them they are? How many "career women" never became full-time mothers because the women's lib movement frowned on that as if it was a shameful thing? How many full-time mothers never pursued a career because they were told not to by their husbands? The point is - be who God desires you to be. Don't act like someone you're not.  Don't pretend to have the anointing when you don't.  Don't copy someone else's speech or mannerisms, trying to mimic their anointing. Don't buy dime store gold glitter and spread it around and say it's  a "sign from heaven" (this happened). Don't try to impress people who look upon the outward appearance- try to please God, who looks on the heart. Don't give a prophecy if you haven't heard from God (soulish vs. spiritual). 

There are false versions of every true ministry God has ordained - Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Teachers and Pastors. Do not be one or follow one. False that is. Do not let Satan speak to you through anyone. If you hear his voice in a btother or sister, or anyone close to you, rebuke him, not your brother. Let them know they allowed Satan to get ahold of their tongue momentarily. Rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn. Don't try to get those who are mourning to pretend they're not, or vice versa. Let everyone be real, who they really are, in an atmosphere so filled with love that they'll become comfortable letting their guard down. Help them remove their masks, finally letting their true, inner man show, knowing they are always accepted in the Beloved. 

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...