Thursday, February 24, 2022

 When all is said and done 
  you have to walk the walk my son.
 You have to do what I say
  not just say what I've done,
 not just see Me in others,
  but see Me working in you.
 You have to be
   the son I've called you to be.
 In order to fulfill your destiny,
  your flesh must submit
    to My holiness,
       in order to escape the second death. 
 Your mind must bow low,
    in humility to sow
       the seed of My Word
          in others, you know.
 You must come from the right heart
   when approaching others  -
 For My Word spoken from the wrong heart
   will do more harm than good.
 Satan speaks My words too,
   but look at his fruit.
 So many think because they quote My Word,
   they should be heard,
But it's only when My Word comes from a transformed heart
   that a tongue should My Word impart......

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Part two

 Regarding prophecy,  remember, many saints are not false, they're regarding letting them prophecy freely in the service,  they may give a false prophecy but not from a false heart. Besides, if God really is allowed to  speak to all - if you'll trust Him, pastor, you'll find the fruit of it sweet indeed. You'll see your church explode as people realize they are free to minister in the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit, as God leads. Your job pastor -  is to stay out of God's way. If you don't prophecy yourself,  you shouldn't stop others from doing so. Quench not the Spirit. Despise not prophecyings. Follow after love AND DESIRE SPIRITUAL GIFTS, BUT ESPECIALLY THAT YOU (you means you. Anyone reading, not prophets, pastors or apostles, or any other leaders) MAY PROPHECY. Let's, as leadership, wean the people off of man's voice (including our own) and teach them and encourage them to hear and speak God's words. By the way, pastor, if you yourself are not hearing from God - if you are not prophecying,  how can you judge whether it's His voice or not in another?

One of the reasons for the wilderness- which every man of God must endure, at some point in their walk with God (some of us go back again and again to the wilderness) is so we may strip ourselves naked of all that is of man so we may be clothed with all that is of God. We learn to hear God's voice in the wilderness,  we learn how to follow Christ by embracing His Father's Spirit there, so when we get back to civilization, where we're surrounded by men,  who speak with tongues of devils. Our souls must remain anchored to the Holy Spirit we fell in love with, in the wilderness, - we know His voice and another we we not follow. Selah.

Many saints fear God's voice - they fear what God may say to them. They've confused the pastor's voice with God's voice. They've been lied to, by the Devil - "the accuser of the brethren". They come to expect condemnation and their sins exposed for all to see. I've given hundreds of prophecies and they are always words if love, full of great passion for His people.  They are for edification, encouragement and comfort. If there is a rebuke, it is often phrased by the Holy Spirit in such a way that only the person receiving the rebuke knows what God is talking about. Or sometimes God instructs me to put the microphone away and speak the word privately, with only the pastor present.  
When Eldad and Medad ran throughout the camp (church) prophecying- Joshua complained to Moses because his heart was not right. Like many in leadership today, he wanted to approve of anyone who ministered in their midst. Whether God chose them and anointed them, or not. 
Moses had God's heart -  not only was he not upset about the two men prophecying- he said, "would God that all The Lord's people were prophets and that the Lord would put His Spirit upon them!"  Joshua said "My Lord, Moses, forbid them!"
I say - forbid them not! I say - pastor, let my people go! The names "Eldad" and "Medad" mean "God has loved" and "loving, affectionate". Once the voice of The Lord is heard in the midst of the congregation on a regular basis, the people will realize how much God loves and cares for them. 

Sunday, February 13, 2022

 There is a deep-rooted need in each of us to be communicated to.  We need to be touched, to be in contact with others, spiritually, soulishly, and bodily. This is another reason we, as a society, watch so much Television and movies - and why we love listening to music, with or without words, because while we're doing these things, we're being communicated to.  We feel connected to humanity at large, we derive significance from it, for we cannot stand being alone. 
Some are so desperate for companionship they'll accept an abusive relationship rather than no relationship at all. They'll accept a harmful touch rather than no touch ar all. Some will sin - not because they like it or want to, but because they're so lonely they'll pay any price to not be alone.
Mankind in general cannot stand to be quiet for too long. Our souls are undisciplined, chaotic- we need to constantly surround ourselves with noise. Even when reading a book, the result is the same - we're in constant communication with everyone but ourselves and our God. Even churches do not know how to be quiet before the Lord - hearts wide open - waiting to hear His voice, rather than our own. Time after time, I've seen a lull in the worship service, with instruments gently playing - and everyone present can sense God's sweet, wonderful, presence- only to have the Pastor or worship leader interrupt and start speaking.  One pastor started giving a play by play of what was happening  - "The Holy Spirit is here now" "He wants to touch someone" "He is moving among us"  and all the while he was doing it he was drawing the people's attention away from the Holy Spirit and putting it on himself. I got the impression he felt it was his job to tell everyone what was happening  - to show them he was sensitive  to the Holy Spirit when what he was really doing was being insensitive. 

Very few of us can go without any communication from our fellow man for too long - no reading material,  nothing to watch or listen to, for when we do grow quiet, when we cease to listen to the cacophony of noise we're daily bombarded with  in today's world,  that is when we can most clearly hear our Father's voice. This is one reason the Bible so often talks about seeking God in the morning "My voice shall you hear in the morning,  O Lord; in the morning will i direct my prayer unto You, and will look up". In the calm of the early morning, while most of our world is still asleep and we haven't yet distracted ourselves with the onslaught of voices from men and devils,  we can much more easily hear God's voice. "There are, it may be, so many kinds of voices in the world....", yet, in our nation's churches we so rarely hear the one voice we desperately need to hear - God's.  
Paul instructs us this way  - "Wherefore brethren,  covet to prophecy and forbid not to speak with tongues". So few, so very few "churches" in our nation/world today "covet prophecy" , earnestly seek it, passionately desire it, nor do they allow tongues, for when they do THEY CANNOT CONTROL WHAT GOD WILL SAY. Freedom and liberty will come to the captives,  when God speaks through whomever he pleases, not just the "professionals". Some pastors allow prophecy but they have to check them first. They have to approve of what God is saying.  They will say "oh, but we need to prevent the people from hearing false prophecies" - no sir! You should never despise the real in the name of guarding against the false. It's often about control, throwing your weiggt around and letting the people know you're in charge. Far better to let the people flow in the prophetic,  and if a false prophecy is given, judge it and rebuke it before the people,  discussing it together as a congregation,  then to have all prophecy submitted to you first. If the people openly see you judging each prophecy,  if it's God's voice or not, then they will learn to do the same. 

Part two soon....

Sunday, February 6, 2022

 A note to balance what I've recently written- another reason we watch movies and TV shows is because inherent in us is a great love for stories. I believe this is godly, after all, the Bible isn't the Bible full of stories? Isn't it one big story? The story of God and his relationship with mankind? Jesus himself was a great story teller. He loved to share truth in story form. We call them "parables". The main difference between the Bible's stories and most of the movies we watch is the Bible's stories are all true.

The problem with living in a world where graphically illustrated fictional stories are consumed on a mass consumption level never before seen, on an almost daily basis, is that we become spectators of life, watching others live it, fake or real, but not really living it ourselves. Whether sports or movies or TV shows we passively sit and watch other people playing or acting and this conditions us for our religious church services.  Since we're used to sitting and watching,  listening but never doing, when this is all that's asked of us in church, it feels normal, natural and right to us. We become like the Greeks at Mars Hill, if we're not careful- who sat around discussing and talking about each new wind of philosophy that blew their way. For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom- yet when Paul spoke truth to them, two thirds of them either mocked him or said "we will hear thee again of this matter" - they did not receive but put off receiving- basically the three responses were red light, yellow light and green light "Howbeit certain men clave unto himand believed. 

Just sitting around in Church talking about truth, seeking wisdom even, is never enoigh. Even hearing testimonies isn't enough - you must go forth and make a few happen for yourself. You must be a doer of the Word not a hearer only. There is a time and place for talking together and reasoning with one another but the reality of God's presence within us must never become like the fictional stories we know and love. If we're not careful,  the Bible itself can become like fiction to us - we read it and hear it and speak about it with our minds and mouths but our hearts don't really believe it. Look at the first response when most Christians get sick - run to the doctor. Our actions will always speak much louder than our words.

I do not think watching a movie, fiction or not, is a sin. Some stories told by actors in a movie can inspire us, teach us, make us laugh, or cry, portraying us as noble and good but many are subtly or openly demonic.  When we see, over and over again, from the time we're children,  throughout our adult lives - mankind portrayed as "good", s noble, as triumphing over "evil", in his own strength and wisdom- with God nowhere to be found except as a curse word, then this can have a deadly long term effect on our souls. We learn to rely on ourselves- meaning our own self or other people, rather than learning to rely on God, totally. 

Paul boasted of his weakness- not his strength. "He said to me My grace is enough for you; for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore i take pleasure in my infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when i am weak, then am i strong".

Christianity has become a religion that exalts man and belittles God. Sure we sing songs about how mighty he is but they're really more about how mighty he was or will be. We rarely see his might on display- we rarely see his majesty and power in action.  Religion is all about man. They revolve around men - they say man is wise enough and strong enough to understand God and what he requres: and he is dependent on man's strength  and wisdom- church becomes all about man explaining God.....God becomes limited to man's understanding of him. In churches they rely on themselves.  They look to their pastor's as someone who has it all figured out, who is strong and wise - a pillar holding up the entire fellowship.  Churches  choose men who have gone to Bible Colleges or Seminaries,  who have been taught and trained by men, to be our leaders. They do not choose men who demonstrate and desire the communion of the Holy Spirit.  They look for charisma not charachter. They want men who seem to have it all together, not men infirmed, reproached, needy and persecuted.

Movies can have their place in our lives, if we keep them in proper perspective. If we're watching or listening to stories and not living them, something's wrong.  The Holy Spirit has taught me wonderful truths while watching movies. Jurrasic Park - the Lost World or "The Bear" for instance. Just stay in continual submission to the One who has the power to present you blameless before your Father in heaven. If the Holy Spirit prompts you not to see a movie, no matter how much you may want to - obey Him! It's not worth harming your soul. I've walked out of theaters in the past. Many movies are so heinous, we as Christians should have nothing to do with them. The world is entertained by all manner of depravities, we, however, should "think on whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely,  whatsoever things are of a good report, if there be any virtue, any praise, think on these things." "These things which you have both learned and received of me and heard, and seen in me, DO!" Paul, and I too, urge you to do what you've seen God do in us, not just say. 

One last note about movies, TV shows, etc. If you watch a two hour movie you should then give The Lord at least two hours of your time to be fair. Never spend more time in secular, worldly movies, books, music etc., than you do with the Lord. Personal, private time with him, going to church doesn't count, unless you're actually encountering him at church.

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...