Saturday, February 19, 2022

Part two

 Regarding prophecy,  remember, many saints are not false, they're regarding letting them prophecy freely in the service,  they may give a false prophecy but not from a false heart. Besides, if God really is allowed to  speak to all - if you'll trust Him, pastor, you'll find the fruit of it sweet indeed. You'll see your church explode as people realize they are free to minister in the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit, as God leads. Your job pastor -  is to stay out of God's way. If you don't prophecy yourself,  you shouldn't stop others from doing so. Quench not the Spirit. Despise not prophecyings. Follow after love AND DESIRE SPIRITUAL GIFTS, BUT ESPECIALLY THAT YOU (you means you. Anyone reading, not prophets, pastors or apostles, or any other leaders) MAY PROPHECY. Let's, as leadership, wean the people off of man's voice (including our own) and teach them and encourage them to hear and speak God's words. By the way, pastor, if you yourself are not hearing from God - if you are not prophecying,  how can you judge whether it's His voice or not in another?

One of the reasons for the wilderness- which every man of God must endure, at some point in their walk with God (some of us go back again and again to the wilderness) is so we may strip ourselves naked of all that is of man so we may be clothed with all that is of God. We learn to hear God's voice in the wilderness,  we learn how to follow Christ by embracing His Father's Spirit there, so when we get back to civilization, where we're surrounded by men,  who speak with tongues of devils. Our souls must remain anchored to the Holy Spirit we fell in love with, in the wilderness, - we know His voice and another we we not follow. Selah.

Many saints fear God's voice - they fear what God may say to them. They've confused the pastor's voice with God's voice. They've been lied to, by the Devil - "the accuser of the brethren". They come to expect condemnation and their sins exposed for all to see. I've given hundreds of prophecies and they are always words if love, full of great passion for His people.  They are for edification, encouragement and comfort. If there is a rebuke, it is often phrased by the Holy Spirit in such a way that only the person receiving the rebuke knows what God is talking about. Or sometimes God instructs me to put the microphone away and speak the word privately, with only the pastor present.  
When Eldad and Medad ran throughout the camp (church) prophecying- Joshua complained to Moses because his heart was not right. Like many in leadership today, he wanted to approve of anyone who ministered in their midst. Whether God chose them and anointed them, or not. 
Moses had God's heart -  not only was he not upset about the two men prophecying- he said, "would God that all The Lord's people were prophets and that the Lord would put His Spirit upon them!"  Joshua said "My Lord, Moses, forbid them!"
I say - forbid them not! I say - pastor, let my people go! The names "Eldad" and "Medad" mean "God has loved" and "loving, affectionate". Once the voice of The Lord is heard in the midst of the congregation on a regular basis, the people will realize how much God loves and cares for them. 

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...