Sunday, February 13, 2022

 There is a deep-rooted need in each of us to be communicated to.  We need to be touched, to be in contact with others, spiritually, soulishly, and bodily. This is another reason we, as a society, watch so much Television and movies - and why we love listening to music, with or without words, because while we're doing these things, we're being communicated to.  We feel connected to humanity at large, we derive significance from it, for we cannot stand being alone. 
Some are so desperate for companionship they'll accept an abusive relationship rather than no relationship at all. They'll accept a harmful touch rather than no touch ar all. Some will sin - not because they like it or want to, but because they're so lonely they'll pay any price to not be alone.
Mankind in general cannot stand to be quiet for too long. Our souls are undisciplined, chaotic- we need to constantly surround ourselves with noise. Even when reading a book, the result is the same - we're in constant communication with everyone but ourselves and our God. Even churches do not know how to be quiet before the Lord - hearts wide open - waiting to hear His voice, rather than our own. Time after time, I've seen a lull in the worship service, with instruments gently playing - and everyone present can sense God's sweet, wonderful, presence- only to have the Pastor or worship leader interrupt and start speaking.  One pastor started giving a play by play of what was happening  - "The Holy Spirit is here now" "He wants to touch someone" "He is moving among us"  and all the while he was doing it he was drawing the people's attention away from the Holy Spirit and putting it on himself. I got the impression he felt it was his job to tell everyone what was happening  - to show them he was sensitive  to the Holy Spirit when what he was really doing was being insensitive. 

Very few of us can go without any communication from our fellow man for too long - no reading material,  nothing to watch or listen to, for when we do grow quiet, when we cease to listen to the cacophony of noise we're daily bombarded with  in today's world,  that is when we can most clearly hear our Father's voice. This is one reason the Bible so often talks about seeking God in the morning "My voice shall you hear in the morning,  O Lord; in the morning will i direct my prayer unto You, and will look up". In the calm of the early morning, while most of our world is still asleep and we haven't yet distracted ourselves with the onslaught of voices from men and devils,  we can much more easily hear God's voice. "There are, it may be, so many kinds of voices in the world....", yet, in our nation's churches we so rarely hear the one voice we desperately need to hear - God's.  
Paul instructs us this way  - "Wherefore brethren,  covet to prophecy and forbid not to speak with tongues". So few, so very few "churches" in our nation/world today "covet prophecy" , earnestly seek it, passionately desire it, nor do they allow tongues, for when they do THEY CANNOT CONTROL WHAT GOD WILL SAY. Freedom and liberty will come to the captives,  when God speaks through whomever he pleases, not just the "professionals". Some pastors allow prophecy but they have to check them first. They have to approve of what God is saying.  They will say "oh, but we need to prevent the people from hearing false prophecies" - no sir! You should never despise the real in the name of guarding against the false. It's often about control, throwing your weiggt around and letting the people know you're in charge. Far better to let the people flow in the prophetic,  and if a false prophecy is given, judge it and rebuke it before the people,  discussing it together as a congregation,  then to have all prophecy submitted to you first. If the people openly see you judging each prophecy,  if it's God's voice or not, then they will learn to do the same. 

Part two soon....

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...