Sunday, May 1, 2022

Anytime you go anywhere,  from point A to point B, you gotta know the way - or be with someone who knows the way. If you don't know the way and someone else takes you where you need to go, after a while, after a few times, you should know the way yourself.  You should be able to go there without assistance. 

Spiritually,  to go to Heaven, you have to know "The Way" - Jesus himself, personally.  Now, if you don't know "The Way", then you need to know someone who does (many claim to, who don't), and they can show you "The Way". "I am The Way", Jesus said. After being with someone who knows the way, after they've shown you "the way", soon enough you should know "the way" yourself. You won't need them to show you "The Way" anymore - You can show others "the way".

But the journey to Heaven is a long one. Heaven finds us, lives in us, true, but we're all on a journey to Heaven on the outside of us too. Our path to Heaven is a life-long journey and on really long journey's it's much more enjoyable with company. Sometimes one drives, other times another does. Whoever knows "The Way" is capable of leading from time to time.
Birds practice this leadership model. When they fly in formation, over great distances (like our aforementioned life's journey), they follow a leader (who knows the way), until he tires, then another will take his place because the lead bird expends the most strength and energy. Those who follow use his wing's draft to help themselves along. Mountain climbers do the same. Only the most experienced climbers take point, choosing just the right path to follow. If they tire, another experienced climber will take over.

The point is - there's no need in any company of believers for one man to lead all the time, indeed, it isn't wise. Anyone who is following Christ is capable of leading others, after they've reached a certain level of maturity.  "Follow me as i follow Christ", Paul said. Neither did Paul establish and lead a fellowship personally. He never stayed in any one place and kept the people submitted to and following only him. No! He urged Timothy to appoint elders  - experienced climbers who knew "The Way", in every church, not one man but a plurality of elders, all who were capable. They all took turns leading, esteeming each other more highly than themselves, heeding each other's counsel, but with the goal of showing others The Way, that they too could then take up the mantle of leadership and lead others. We're not meant to ever be the sole leader in any fellowship but rather we're meant to nurture and raise up a company of leaders, Hallelujah! 


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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...