Thursday, May 5, 2022

 The Holy Spirit really is like the conductor of a large Orchestra. The more instruments he has available to him - the greater the symphony, the more magnificent the sound, the more pleasure and honor the Father receives. Solos should be the exception, not the norm, when so many instruments are available. Imagine a mighty Orchestra,  with hundreds of wonderfully varied instruments, each finely tuned. Now picture the venerated Conductor- standing before them all. He lifts his wand and begins to conduct- yet only a single instrument sounds forth, and continues to sound. What was meant to be a symphony of many voices joined together as one seamless sound, is reduced to one instrument, no matter how skillfully played, no matter how skillfully played, if that lone instrument continues to be the only one heard, what a waste of time and talent, the conductor's, as well as the other instrumentalists.

In Irish pubs, across Ireland, they have what's called a "Session". This is when various musicians gather together in joyous celebration of their Irish heritage, set to music. They're quite talented. The thing is, anyone is welcome to join in, as long as you can keep up! Church should be this way. Anyone is welcome to join in the ministry of the moment,  as long as they can keep up, i.e. flow with the Holy Spirit like everyone else. Guest musicians welcome! 

There is a music video i love. I play it for my students all the time. It takes place in an outdoor park in Boston. It's entirely instrumental. It shows three men, two violins and a cello, preparing to give an outdoor performance together,  when, to their surprise, three other musicians begin playing the song they were about to play, and they're playing the same instruments! And they're all children! What do the first three do? Get offended? Hey, they are one-upping us, stealing our thunder! But no, they glance at each other, shrug their shoulders,  and join in! Seamlessly,  wonderfully, all six begin to play together,  and the result is wonderful! This video is a prophetic vision of how church services should be. Younger ministers, even children, should be free to minister alongside older, more mature ministers, even beginning and leading the service! Instead of shutting them up, we should join them -  anyone the Holy Spirit anoints should be welcome to minister, and get this, the song they're playing in the video is "shake it off" by Taylor Swift. I'm not a fan of hers, but this one song has a message we should all hear and take heed to. 
Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty, there is freedom, and there "everyone of you hath"

Last thought, take note, the Holy Spirit should be the Conductor of every service,  not the pastor. 

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...