Sunday, May 8, 2022

 Question:  Is it ok to proclaim God's power and glory in songs and sermons but not allow it in our lives? Is it ok to declare Him to be the God of the miraculous yet never witness Him performing a single miracle? Is it ok to never participate in the miraculous with Him? Is He awesome in our songs alone or is he awesome in our lives too?

"What does it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath Faith, and have not works? Can faith save him? Show me your faith without your works, and i will show you my faith BY MY WORKS."

Standing in a church service and loudly proclaiming "what a mighty God we serve" does absolutely nothing to build up our credit rating in Heaven. God is not all impressed with words alone -  it's deeds that impress Him."Preach the Gospel,  and use words if you must." So many are content to stand in church once a week and sing about our "Awesome God", and "Amen" the pastor as he declares God's glory and power, yet examine their daily lives and He is nowhere to be found. His will is not being done. 

God, deliver us from our own hypocrisy. Deliver us from the evil of "religion" - wherein we can talk about you -  what You did and even what You can do, but never believe to the point where we see you do it - You, oh God, remain only words on a page, not The Word in our hearts. Let us not cease to rend our hearts till we see real change in us, and You, oh Jesus, are allowed to express your faith in Our Father, in us, to do His will, and Father, all You do is miraculous. All You do for us, to us, and through us, daily, is miraculous! I'm looking for miracles everyday  I'm allowed to remain alive on this earth, Father, for the supernatural is our natural state of being. It's the lack of the miraculous that isn't normal. It's unbelief and "little faith" that is out of whack, out of alignment with God's Word, with the reality of His existence in us. I'm being vaccinated against unbelief and the ability to settle for mediocrity each more! Lord, I want my miracles! Every day! Big or small, I'll take them all! I want all You have for me. I want my "greater works". I don't want an empty faith, full of empty works, any longer. I want my father Abraham's type of faith. I want to show i believe Your Word by my actions, like when we moved to Ireland.  "You see then how that by works is a man justified, and not by faith only; for as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also" - Lord, I'm looking for my miracle tomorrow, and the next day, and the next, Hallelujah! Amen! Open my eyes to see the miracles I've missed and the missed opportunities I've had when i should have performed a miracle.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...