Saturday, June 25, 2022

 When lovers touch each other -  they expect a reaction.  They expect a response. When i kiss my wife, i expect her to kiss me back. Love is always best expressed with actions, with touch, words alone will never do. Intimacy involves touching, and giving and receiving pleasure from one another's touch. And God is no different.  If we only SAY we love Him, but do not touch Him, and let Him touch us, we are not His lovers. Intimacy- Into Me, see? As two lovers become one flesh, so must we become one spirit with our most intimate God. Jesus cpmplained "Thou gavest me no kiss" oh may our testimony not be thus! Rather may our testimony be "but this woman since the time i came in has not ceased to kiss my feet". I imagine that display of affection made the Pharisees very uncomfortable- as does any real intimacy with God today make religious leadership very uncomfortable. I want to treat Jesus, from the time he comes in (to my heart) thie way this woman did! How many of us, when the Lord enters our hearts, treat Him poorly,  keep Him in the foyer, and only acknowledge Him when we need something from Him?

I want to lie still before Him, as He sits on the Throne of my heart, and kiss his feet and anoint them with my tears. I want to do this, not just privately-  but publicly as she did, i don't care who sees and knows i love him so dearly! I want Him to say this of me  - "His sins, which are many, are forgiven, for he loved much!" I want to be known as one who loves much! By Jesus and by people he sends me to. I want to "Kiss the Son, lest He be angry". When He touches me, i want to respond to His touch, by drawing nearer to Him, not retreat from Him. I want to say with Solomon this epitome of wisdom - this apex of all we are and should  be - "Let Him kiss me with the kisses of His mouth, for your love is better than wine" "Draw me, i will run after you. The King has brought me into His chambers (bed)", i want Him to "lie all night betwixt my breasts" in my heart, which is much more intimate than physical intimacy. Spiritual intimacy is much deeper than physical.  
I want to "sit down under His shadow with great delight, and His fruit is sweet to my taste". I want Him to bring me to His banqueting house where His banner over me is love. I want my heart to be His personal banqueting house,  where we sup together daily, just the two of us, a table for two -  "His left hand is under my head, and His right hand does embrace me" and when He holds me there, i want to embrace Him back, i want to respond to His touch in like manner. 

The reward of drawing near to Him, with the intent of pleasing Him, as His lover, is to hear Him say - "Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away". "Then we which are alive and remain (deeply in love with Him) shall be caught up to Him in the clouds, to meet our Lord in the air, and so shall we ever be with the Lord". I want to see Him, i want to hear His voice "let me see thy countenance,  let me know thy voice, for sweet is thy voice and thy countenance is comely", (attractive and fair to look upon).

I cannot bear to seek Him and find Him not. I will cling to Him fiercely- i will not leave Him or forsake Him. When "I found Him whom my soul loves, i held Him, and would not let Him go. Until the day break, and the shadows flee away, i will get me to the mountain of Myrrh - and to the hill of Frankincense. My love is fair", there is no spot in Him, He is without spot or blemish. He has ravished my heart. He has captured my heart completely.  "Let my beloved come into His garden, and eat His pleasant fruits. I sleep but my heart is awake - it is the voice of my beloved that knocks, saying open to me, my love, my dove, my undefiled  - Behold, i stand at the door and knock, if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come into him and will sup with him, and he with me. HOW FAIR AND HOW PLEASANT ARE YOU - O LOVE, FOR DELIGHTS! I AM MY BELOVED'S AND HIS DESIRE IS TOWARDS ME! MAKE HASTE MY BELOVED! COME!   SURELY I COME QUICKLY.  AMEN. EVEN SO, COME, LORD JESUS." 

Our two hearts have become one. Our love will remain strong, forever. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

 What do soldiers do when they're not actively engaging the enemy? They train. They continually hone their skills to keep them razor sharp. They learn new skills. They are not idle. They stay in shape - physically and mentally  -  alert and ready to engage the enemy at a moment's notice. They post watchmen -  24/7, always looking for any sign of the enemy. They study. They study past battles to learn winning tactics and what to do, as well as what not to do, what works and what doesn't, yet they are open to new ideas, new strategies-  thinking outside the box. They are continually upgrading their weaponry and their surveillance equipment. They look for any advantage they can get over their enemy -  no matter how small. Small preparations can win big battles. 
Yet, in the end, battles and indeed wars come down to one thing -  the soldiers fighting the battle.  Every man's skills and strengths must be identified and used to their fullest, no dead wood, so to speak. Some are brilliant tacticians, while others are skilled marksmen, but everyone is needed to do their part, no matter how small their role may be, all must pull together and do the job they were assigned to do. From the cook to the Captain,  all are vital to a successful conclusion to any conflict. The enlisted men are not there to insure the General is successful-  he is there to ensure they are. All must be in constant training, all must be ready, willing and able to engage the enemy -  alert and capable,  not just the leadership.  

A good leader releases his men to do the job they are assigned to do, and he listens to his soldiers, not just make them listen to him all the time. They may have insights he was blind to. A good leader teaches his followers how to follow by being a follower himself. Follow me as I follow, Paul wrote. In too many churches the people aren't being trained and equipped to engage in spiritual warfare, in how to wield spiritual weapons. They're being taught how to submit to their pastor's or leadership but they have no idea how to make the enemy submit to them. Rather than being taught how to cast out demons, they're being taught how to invite them in. What fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what concord has Christ with Belial? Rather than overcoming and defeating the enemy, they're fellowshipping with him! They're feeding and housing him! Christian! These things ought not to be my brethren. Our pastor's may be the most skilled among us, the wisest, most experienced-  but if all we ever do is sit and listen to them talk, and never actively train and engage the enemy ourselves,  we will fall in the day of battle, for our house was built on sand, for we never became doers of the Word, but hearers only. We supported our pastors, we gave the task of doing the Word to them, though standing and speaking alone is not "doing the Word" -  rather than raising up soldiers, pastors raised up spiritual babies, unable to engage the enemy in the day of battle. 
Hence, churches truly need apostolic and prophetic training, teaching and oversight. They must go from being "love boats" to battleships. They must learn how to actively engage the enemy on the local level. They must not be spiritual pushovers that the enemy scoffs at. 

Monday, June 13, 2022

 Concerning my children  - may they understand and recognize evil -  even when it's accepted by those they love. May they deeply resent evil -  in all it's forms. May it's subtleties and disguises be clearly seen and known. May they not compromise with the spirit of this fallen world, as i have done. May they place Truth above all other relationships. May they allow Truth to crucify the lies they've embraced instead of allowing the lies to crucify the truth in them. May they seek His light, not the spotlight.  May they desire God's light to shine from within them, outwardly, not man's light to shine from without them inwardly, revealing only their outward appearance. May they be willing to and able to rebuke and expose lies, no matter who is speaking them. May they be found to be wise virgins, unspotted from the world, in the day of Your visitation, Lord.

Thursday, June 9, 2022

 In Korea, TV commercials sometimes use English-  but when they do, they mispronounce it, because everyone understands the wrong pronunciation. If they said it the right way, no one would understand. 

In churches, they often teach falsehoods, wrong doctrine, because they're what everyone understands. They are what they're familiar with. The truth is so alien to them that if they heard it spoken- they wouldn't recognize it, and they would reject it as false. The truth is often so unfamiliar to them it makes them uncomfortable-  for they completely trust their pastors to speak only truth to them. They do not rely on the inner witness of the Holy Spirit to recognize truth when they hear it, instead they rely on the outer witness  of their pastor or other church leadership,  thus never knowing if what they're hearing is true or false doctrine. It is far easier for pastors to toe the party line than to speak truth and expose falsehoods, for they won't remain pastors for very long, if they do. 

Lies and falsehoods often appeal to soulish men and women who are not spiritual,  nor are they spiritually minded. They often make sense, from a logical standpoint.  The problem is -  what is logical and wise to men is foolishness to God. What makes sense to men is often Anti-Christ doctrine. God warns us not to lean on our own understanding-  yet many churches do. He tells us His thoughts are not our thoughts  - His ways are higher than our ways, yet we choose our ways rather than His, time and again.  He rejects the wise and learned in tbis world's eyes and chooses the foolish,  unlearned fisherman to be His teachers. Yet - in church after church, they choose learned men who went to Bible College, or seminary and have a paper issued by men saying they are wise and have learned correct Bible doctrine. 

We do not choose men taught of the Holy Spirit directly,  wise in God's eyes, no, they love men approved of men. The problem is - when we get that paper that declares we  know the truth, we are then unable to hear and receive the Truth from then on, for ww uphold and teach our knowledge learned at the foot of men, not at the foot of Jesus, as God's knowledge and we believe some lies to be the truth and no one can tell us differently., especially when we mix truth with the lies - this validates the lies in their listeners minds. A little sugar helps us swallow the poison. Satan teaches scripture but he does not teach truth. He twists and perverts the meaning of scriptures till the truth is unrecognizable.  We need to set up Bible Colleges where people can go and unlearn everything they think they know about God and His word. Keep the truths but spit out the lies. We need institutes of uneducation. 

Paul was the opposite of Peter -  he was very learned, very highly educated,  and he had to the backside of the desert and unlearn most of what he knew to be true. Some of our Bible colleges are full of people ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. We know that we all have knowledge but remember,  knowledge puffs us up (with pride) but love edifies. Knowledge alone, without love, fills us with pride and arrogance and blinds us to the Truth  - for we end up seeking knowledge but we do not always seek truth. Remember it's love, seeking to love as God loves,mthat edifies, that instructs us, that benefits us, that uplifts us morally and spiritually.  Knowledge instructs and fills our minds but love instructs and fills our hearts. None of us wants to stand before Jesus and say "i faithfully sat in a church my whole life and learned so much knowledge about you" and hear him say "but you never got to know me. Depart from me."

So let us all unlearn what we should not know and replace it with what we should know -  HIM.

Friday, June 3, 2022

 The World, with Satan's encouragement,  has replaced (or substituted) God's love for their own. They place romantic love above all other kinds of love -  they sing of it, they praise it, they speak of it like it's the love of God -  it saves their souls. It makes life sweet and worth living, they can't live without it, it gives them a reason to live. Yup, it's their way of saying-  " we don't need or want God's love, our own will do", "we are gods, and the love we give is equal to or better than God's love". " We are morally upright -  we are righteous apart from Him. We don't need God." But alas, to gain entrance to that glorious city -  that city from above, they do need Him. He is the only one that can issue passports to Heave.

                   "And whosoever was not found
                     written in the Book of Life
                     was cast into the lake of fire"

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...