This blog is my effort to share God's mind and most importantly, heart, as He shares them with me. I make a genuine effort to commune with Him daily and hear from Him. .Some poems are from Him to me, others from me to Him but all revelation shared is, I pray, from the Holy Spirit and not my carnal, soulish opinion. Please comment as you see fit. He is calling us all into His Holy of Holies.....let us all respond to his divine invitation for intimacy with a heart felt YES! SOS 2:11
Saturday, June 25, 2022
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
Monday, June 13, 2022
Thursday, June 9, 2022
In Korea, TV commercials sometimes use English- but when they do, they mispronounce it, because everyone understands the wrong pronunciation. If they said it the right way, no one would understand.
In churches, they often teach falsehoods, wrong doctrine, because they're what everyone understands. They are what they're familiar with. The truth is so alien to them that if they heard it spoken- they wouldn't recognize it, and they would reject it as false. The truth is often so unfamiliar to them it makes them uncomfortable- for they completely trust their pastors to speak only truth to them. They do not rely on the inner witness of the Holy Spirit to recognize truth when they hear it, instead they rely on the outer witness of their pastor or other church leadership, thus never knowing if what they're hearing is true or false doctrine. It is far easier for pastors to toe the party line than to speak truth and expose falsehoods, for they won't remain pastors for very long, if they do.
Lies and falsehoods often appeal to soulish men and women who are not spiritual, nor are they spiritually minded. They often make sense, from a logical standpoint. The problem is - what is logical and wise to men is foolishness to God. What makes sense to men is often Anti-Christ doctrine. God warns us not to lean on our own understanding- yet many churches do. He tells us His thoughts are not our thoughts - His ways are higher than our ways, yet we choose our ways rather than His, time and again. He rejects the wise and learned in tbis world's eyes and chooses the foolish, unlearned fisherman to be His teachers. Yet - in church after church, they choose learned men who went to Bible College, or seminary and have a paper issued by men saying they are wise and have learned correct Bible doctrine.
We do not choose men taught of the Holy Spirit directly, wise in God's eyes, no, they love men approved of men. The problem is - when we get that paper that declares we know the truth, we are then unable to hear and receive the Truth from then on, for ww uphold and teach our knowledge learned at the foot of men, not at the foot of Jesus, as God's knowledge and we believe some lies to be the truth and no one can tell us differently., especially when we mix truth with the lies - this validates the lies in their listeners minds. A little sugar helps us swallow the poison. Satan teaches scripture but he does not teach truth. He twists and perverts the meaning of scriptures till the truth is unrecognizable. We need to set up Bible Colleges where people can go and unlearn everything they think they know about God and His word. Keep the truths but spit out the lies. We need institutes of uneducation.
Paul was the opposite of Peter - he was very learned, very highly educated, and he had to the backside of the desert and unlearn most of what he knew to be true. Some of our Bible colleges are full of people ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. We know that we all have knowledge but remember, knowledge puffs us up (with pride) but love edifies. Knowledge alone, without love, fills us with pride and arrogance and blinds us to the Truth - for we end up seeking knowledge but we do not always seek truth. Remember it's love, seeking to love as God loves,mthat edifies, that instructs us, that benefits us, that uplifts us morally and spiritually. Knowledge instructs and fills our minds but love instructs and fills our hearts. None of us wants to stand before Jesus and say "i faithfully sat in a church my whole life and learned so much knowledge about you" and hear him say "but you never got to know me. Depart from me."
So let us all unlearn what we should not know and replace it with what we should know - HIM.
Friday, June 3, 2022
Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches? Answer: Because they don't believe in them...
The following is based on the original 1971 movie "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" - MANY are about to find their "G...
Ever since Adam’s heart first beat Your love for man – it’s been so sweet. Truly You love us. You desired to create our human race still Tho...
I don't want to be famous on earth. I do want to be famous in Heaven. I want my Jesus to be famous on earth for something other than be...